by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist
Nature has proven to be quite amazing and resilient, and many plant, animal, and insect species have been around much longer than humans, though they have evolved over time. Just as the bodies of humans and animals change over time to accommodate a changing world and to give creatures a better advantage over the challenges they face, plants do the same in their own way.
One such plant is the Cashapona palm, a tree native to Central and South America in the rainforests. The palm is often referred to as the “Walking Palm” because of its unique leg-like roots that appear to be walking when observed over time.
Unlike most trees, the roots of the Walking Palm protrude from the trunk above ground and are thick and visible. They are called stilted roots because of the way they “stand” and they have a special ability to move towards the sunlight.
No matter where the palm is planted, it’s able to detect where there is more sunlight in the surrounding the area and gradually move towards it. It does this by growing new roots in the direction of the light and letting it’s old roots die in the process. As a result, the roots can “walk” several centimeters in a single day, though the process often takes years.
Credit: Palmpedia
The roots can also adapt in different ways; for example, if a nearby tree falls on the roots of the palm, those roots will move around the fallen tree and let the roots underneath the debris die. Peter Vransky, a paleobotanist from the Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, explained,
“As the soil erodes, the tree grows new, long roots that find new and more solid ground, sometimes up to 20m. Then, slowly, as the roots settle in the new soil and the tree bends patiently toward the new roots, the old roots slowly lift into the air. The whole process for the tree to relocate to a new place with better sunlight and more solid ground can take a couple of years.”
Though this isn’t exactly “walking,” it’s the closest that any plant has come before to replicating the movement. These irregular roots and behaviors have captivated many scientists that find the adaptation fascinating, as the way the world evolves is intriguing and there is endless matter to study.
This article (“Walking Trees” Can Move Several Centimeters Everyday In Search Of Sunlight) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
I Love This Article
I think it is ,Magnificent Step Toward Evolution
For Botanical Life on This Planet!
I do Already Believe There are Sentinent Beings on other Planets+Multidimensional Realms that are Botanical, but have Mobility.
Even as a Child, I wondered why Humans didn't photosynthesize, as tge this would be a Great way to Absorb Light (+physical+otherwise ),+Nutrients, without consuming the Life Forc3s of Any.
I have often thought that, on a Metaphysical Level plant life was Superior to Other Life Forms, as they don't take the Life Force from Others.
Metaphysically, I Believe they R Absorbing True LIGHT from the Cosmos.
I have often felt they were prisoners in their immobility, and subject to so much abuse from Humans damaging this Planet.
I am very happy that this Species is Evolving Toward the Capacity for Movement, Bringing With It, The Benefits of Movement+Eventually Self+Protection.
I know It's Only TH BEGINNING, but Every Change Starts Somewhere +Hopefully, This Capacity Will Eventually Evolve in the Others.
I Think It's Awesome, It makes me Very Happy.
Great Article,TY.