There is no time, only a rippling instant of Infinity. Therefore, there are miracles, for miracles occur out of time as you know time and out of your range of known expectation. You are reluctant to let go of the past. Set your sights higher, and more miracles will appear to delight and dazzle you and restore the world into the model I created. Years of misuse and misunderstanding have dulled your perception of the Eden I made.
That you dwell on the past does not take away from the fact that miracles are a natural phenomenon, and miracles are abundant. They are daily events. Miracles pursue you. Allow them. Allow miracles to take over your life. Really and truly, do you believe that humdrum is more true than the miraculous? Be not satisfied with humdrum. Humdrum is old out-dated passé thinking. Think higher. Let go of lesser. If you want more in life, and, of course, you do, re-establish your world. Old outworn beliefs you hold often are not to your advantage. The beliefs the world holds often are not to your benefit. For Heaven’s sakes, let those decrepit old beliefs go!
The past is filled with ignorance. There is a reason I encourage you to move forward. You can’t go forward and backward at the same illusory time. The past is heavy baggage that entraps you. Just as your feet have grown, so must your thinking. If you want to get somewhere, it is helpful to have your mind get somewhere first. The past is not better than this minute in your hand.
Right now are the good times, and the good times are getting better. Stop dragging the past around with you. The past is like a worn-out raggedy blanket that a toddler carries around. It gives him some comfort. When the child is grown, he leaves his blankie behind. This is what you are to do with the past. Otherwise, the past encumbers you.
The past leaves of its own accord when you allow it to. Your allowing the past to be past allows more miracles to arise. Otherwise, the past blocks the entrance of more miracles. The past gets in your way. You trip over it. It keeps you prisoner to old thinking. You’ve got to break the bounds of the past. It’s not actually the past that holds on to you. It is you who holds on to the past. You hold on to the past for dear life, it seems, even as your holding on denies the present all of its opportunity. Don’t be a slave to old thinking. Don’t disabuse the past either. Just let it go as through a sieve.
Miracles are waiting on the wings of life to fly away with you. It’s not that miracles need your permission. It’s just that you don’t want your old belief system to keep miracles away. Miracles are undaunted. Miracles don’t stand on ceremony. Nevertheless, you want to make room for miracles to have easy access to your life.
You can multiply the entry of miracles into your life right now and allow bigger miracles, even as a miracle is a miracle. It behooves you to get ready for miracles. Clear out the clutter that miracles may presently have to dodge around. Give miracles on their way to you free and clear passage.
Welcome miracles. Have a sign in your heart that says:
“This way for miracles. Enter here. There’s room for all. It’s okay to rush in, swim in, fly in. Be at home here. Miracles are invited and welcome. Stay awhile.”