We are spiritual amnesiacs, we don't know where we came from, we don't know where we are going ~ by American Kabuki

AnaShyNa's picture


by Galactic Love Reporter American Kabuki...



There is truth in what you say. But it goes beyond that. We are spiritual amnesiacs, we don't know where we came from, we don't know where we are going.

One of the greatest fears people have is the fear of abandonment. Being cut off from love. 

Those that would control us understand that, so we are made to fear God and fear that he rejected us and fear that we will always be rejected (we never were). We fear losing the love of our friends and family. 

What happens when we think for ourselves? The thought police quickly rush in, governments pump out their propaganda, religious leaders pronounce their condemnations as self-appointed proxies for Creator of all, media pundits spill their vitriol, and learned "educators" (as distinguished from true teachers who encourage independent thought) tell us how something can't be real or can't possibly be true. After all they didn't get their degrees from reading that in their textbooks. High school students are ridiculed before their peers if they question the status quo of what they are being taught, approval seeking adolescents are only too glad to pile on in the psychic melee that ensues at the teachers command. The student cries or blushes and learns very quickly not to speak their truth.

All this has the effect of forcing self-enslavement through fear, mostly through the fear of being abandoned and losing love from others and God. This is why you are not taught that God loves all unconditionally and totally, even those who walk darker paths - for He knows that all they have to do is turn from the dark and stand in in His light. God welcomes all even the prodigal sons.


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