What am I? I am a vibrating Creative Force. I am a particle of God expressing through the disguise of a man. This is not a quaint New Age belief. Nor is it some notion that I came up with by studiously reading metaphysical writings. This is what I experience. If I sit still for even a moment and close my eyes, this is what I experience! And it is getting stronger. It is getting stronger by the day. I don't have to sing hymns of praise to the Divine. All I have to do is close my eyes and the Divine embraces me. Indeed, it embraces me as what I am.
In the space of no-thought dwells the primordial energy of Creation. It is felt most intensely behind my eyes, but I am learning to bring it down through the central channel of my body because this is where it needs to go. When I become afraid, I block its flow and suffer. But - while my fears may make me temporarily uncomfortable - they can never damn this river.
This experience brings with it a certain responsibility. As always, the responsibility is primarily to myself, and then to others. Quite simply, the responsibility is to honor myself enough to be true to the current of my own life force. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than this. Whatever desires I have should not be surpressed, but they should not be my primary focus either. Focusing on the things I think I need is like stepping off the train and sitting at the bench at the station thinking about how I intend to get to the next stop! The River of Life brings everything my human self authentically needs, and in ways I never dreamed possible. All I have to do is to honor its flow.
And the flow of the River has but one desire; to serve the whole.
Ted Slipchinsky is a mystic singer, writer and songwriter. You can see more of his work at songsofmysoul.com where you can also purchase his recently released book "Songs from the River". Ted also has a Facebook group The Other TED Talks.