By Lynn Zambrano
What is love? If love is eternal and unconditional, then where can you find it? Are you looking in the right place? Humans have searched and yearned for love since the beginning of history. Why? It motivates and ignites passion and creativity, yet this can’t be the whole story. There must be more to love – a deep and profound meaning. Battles have been fought to obtain it, and many people have lived and died for the ideals it represents. Is love something you can possess? Do you want to?
When you consider this, first take off the glitter and sparkles that media and marketing has added. That is only superficial wrapping sold to consumers eager for the experience without knowing its substance. Chocolates, flowers and valentines are nice expressions and yet do not necessarily equate to love. What is love? When you delve deep, two varieties emerge: love which is changeable, situational and depends on other people, and love which is eternal, ever flowing and unchangeable.