What Can We Learn From Near Death Experiences? - in5d.com

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by Michelle Walling, CHLC

The most compelling evidence toward the possibility of life after death comes from testimonials of thousands of people who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) and return to share their stories with the world. There are three major statements made about the value of life from almost all people who return from “home” to share with us as we move toward bringing the thought process of what people call “heaven” to earth. Furthermore, is there a parallel with NDE’s and what we understand will be ascension in this lifetime?

Regardless of culture or religion, near death experiences create a language that can be understood by all. According to a recent sample poll of Americans, 68% of people believe that our soul survives after death. A near death experience is described as what occurs as the soul leaves the body during what we have termed death and returns to the body to be fully revived with remembrance of the experience.

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