What did the Masters Prophesize? How it Affect us Today?

Lia's picture

We are living in a momentous and extraordinary time. Throughout the centuries and even millenniums, Masters of all Traditions have nurtured humanity
toward this extraordinary yet challenging time in which we are right now.

It is important to understand that at the winter solstice, December 21,2012, Earth and the Sun were, and still are, in a rare alignment with the heart center
of the Milky Way. The alignment is calculated when the Sun’s ecliptic and the equator of the Milky Way cross each other at the solstices
¹. This rare
alignment opens up a channel from the heart of the Milky Way, to the Sun, and then to the Earth. Through this channel, waves of cosmic super-rays
downpour on the Sun causing extra solar activity, which in turn affect Earth’s electro-magnetic field and climate.

The energy of this great wave is described as electric, magnetic, gravitational, and spiritual. Since our whole being is in resonance with this great wave, it
affects us on all the levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

What Did the Masters Prophesize?

The  Masters knew that this unique celestial alignment would not only mark the beginning of a new Age on Earth, but also a new Great Age in the Zodiac².
They prophesied that this extraordinary and great event would offer us an ascension into a higher level of consciousness, which would be for humanity a
new Golden Age of harmony, wisdom, prosperity, freedom, peace and joy. However, the success of this depends on our own efforts to build the Golden
Age with the inspiration and guidance of the Masters.  

How it Affect us Today?

The Masters emphasized that the collective awakening would also precipitate a major crisis for humanity. This crisis is due to a dark psychological phase
we must all pass through on our spiritual journey. They described this dark phase as, ‘The Dark Night of the Soul’
³, although it can be an illumined
experience as well. For some, the Dark Night can last longer than others. It depends on one's willingness to cooperate with the requirements of the Soul.   

The Dark Night of the Soul is a blessing in disguise because it strengthens the heart, tests the intention and speeds up our personal transformation. It is a
difficult but beneficial initiation that requires self-examination, self-realization and adjustment. There are four stages in this spiritual work belonging to four
different levels of consciousness: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The Masters chose the Phoenix to symbolize this difficult phase in which the old Phoenix dies and is reborn, renewed, resurrecting from the ashes of its old
form. This metaphor refers to the process of our personal transformation and transmutation or elevation of consciousness.  

As the world transformation speeds up, we are experiencing a great cleansing and rebalancing on a personal, national, and global level. Each one of us
must begin with our own regeneration before dreaming of a social and global one.

People who do not understand what is going on in this critical time, and are not willing to make the necessary changes in their lives are already
experiencing intense inner and outer conflicts, struggles, and sufferings, all due to their ignorance and resistance. They need to take time out to evaluate
their situations, adjust, or reinvent themselves in order to be in tune with the higher energy of the new Golden Age.

On the other hand, millions of people around the world have prepared themselves for this celestial alignment. They have made the necessary changes and
reached sufficient purity of mind. These people are already being stimulated by this influx of energies of the new Age. These are the people, from around
the world who are working on establishing the new Golden Age, in which the materialistic mentality with its selfishness, greed and corruption has no place.

Dictatorship governments around the world are already collapsing, as people demand justice and freedom. As humanity enters into the new era, we begin
to see more enlightened leaders working towards a united global humanity, in which balanced and just societies can flourish. It has already begun.

At the end of an Age, The Master always appears in the world to inspire and support humanity through the difficult times, and to ground the new impulse for
the new Age.

What Can You Do?

To receive and be lifted by this Great Light, identify yourself with the Soul's qualities of light, love and freedom, 'like attracts like.'  

Be true to your Self and live truly. That is to say, you must have good thoughts, unselfish intentions, good words, and good deeds.

Keep your aura strong and remain centered in your own Soul.

Pray, meditate and study spirituality daily to be in tune with the creative, universal flow of life.

Follow the process of life and time.

Life – true life is meant for our enjoyment. An environment that is healthy, beautiful, and vibrant with life is very important to our spiritual development.
When we are happy and joyful, we radiate the Soul’s quality of light, love, freedom and joy. When we find joy, we find our paradise here on Earth. This is
essentially what is meant by the Golden Age, which can be experienced individually and collectively.

If we make the necessary efforts and follow the guidance of the Masters, 2013 and from then on, we will see our emergence into the new Golden Age,
which will uplift human consciousness into a new era of ever-increasing friendship, harmony, prosperity, peace and joy.



¹  Graphic of  The Great Ages   by  Peter Dawkins.

²  Zodiac of the Ages  by Peter Dawkins

Peter Dawkins is a recognized authority on the Western Wisdom Traditions, founder of the Francis Bacon Research Trust and the Zoence Academy.

³ The Dark Night of the Soul by Genevieve Lucette is included as a supplement in the introductory offer of The Wheel of Time

