Yes, of course, it makes a difference where you sit. From where you sit, you see. Sit on the floor, and you have one view. Sit on stool at a counter, you have a different view. Sit outside on the deck at night, and you can see the stars.
I am trying to say that often you sit where your intellect is and perhaps less often where your heart is. There is really one place for you to sit and go by, and that is in your heart. The question to ask is: What does my heart say?
Now, now, I don’t mean never to listen to your mind. You can use your head. Don’t run across a train track hoping to be faster than an oncoming train. Don’t tell your boss off just because you want to. Don’t beat your chest and be like Tarzan in the middle of Times Square. You can listen to your heart and be circumspect at the same time.
Maybe the question is: What does my gut say? Must my mind always have the say-so? Must I be so guarded that my heart doesn’t dare to speak?
Perhaps your heart and mind can marry and answer you as One.
I am quite sure that, if your present perspective holds you back, there is another place for you to sit.
If you were in someone else’s shoes, you would see differently. You might well understand something you don’t understand to date.
Let’s face it. Your mind isn’t tolerant. Your mind may race around and back again. Your mind is even a debater of itself. Your mind likes to stay with the status quo whereas your heart more likely ventures into the Unknown.
What you have always known may not work for you any longer. It may never have served you, yet you listened to your mind rather than your heart. You don’t have to worry that your heart will get spoiled. It’s not frequent that your heart has a chance of getting spoiled. You may well mix up your heart with excuses your mind gives you.
Too often your mind answers from its chair and says: “Better to stay where you are than venture out.” Beloveds, I don’t know anything more contradictive to living life than that or this: “Better to be safe than sorry.” How do you know that any of this is true?
A made-up mind may have stopped seeing and thinking some time ago. Let Us say that your mind is like a cup of tea, yet you do not keep heating up your tea. You start all over again with a fresh cup. If there is no percentage in adding water to your same cup of tea to make it last, what gain do you think there is in reheating old thoughts?
There are some thoughts that are tried and true. The thought that I exist is true. This thought stays warm of itself all the time. It never fizzles out. It isn’t that you want to make your thoughts be true. You want to think true thoughts.
Of course, there is something to be said for finding out. Life will find out. Life will teach you. Only love is true. Only light is true. Only brotherhood is true. What is negative, no matter how seemingly true doesn’t stand up. You may believe in fear, yet that doesn’t make fear true. You can believe that someone deserves to be hurt, yet that isn’t true. When you come down to your last breath, you will know that isn’t true. You will also know that death is not true. Only on the physical plane can death be true. Be true to yourself, and you will know what love is, and you will find love right here in your heart.