What a rabbit taught me about being an empath

will's picture

Insight and gifts come to us in many shapes and forms. When I spend time in nature a multi-dimensional dialogue always happens, much in the way that two people would speak with words; except in nature it is more of a a telepathic conversation. To reach that space where the ‘real conversation’ happens, we have to let go of everything else and find a space within, beyond judgement; beyond expectations; surrendering into the moment. That’s where the real conversation happens. You become at one with nature. You weave and dance together in a place of unity consciousness, where all souls unite. It’s divine.

As an empath, I am often happily reclusive; spending time on my own or with my very close loved ones; or spending time in nature in communion with my animal friends as far away from people as I can get. The other day I was walking in the countryside around Glastonbury. My walk was naturally semi-meditative. As I felt and worked with the energies of the land, I found a large colony of rabbits on the hill.
