What is wrong with Kuwait ???

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windblown4's picture
What is wrong with Kuwait ???

Does anyone know what is wrong with the richest per capita country in the Middle East??

 Kuwait...the land of the pompas , arrogant , holier than thou people who somehow think they are the chosen of this so called 'Allah' 

But do not pocess the compassion to offer one single penny in assistance nor provide one pound of food for the millions of displaced people suffering through a cold winter in tents.

 Maybe Saddam should have been left alone when he took over this arrogant pompas people.

They are the sewer of the entire region thinking they are the chosen and all else need leave them alone.

They can pay the yanks for protection but cannot see past their biggoted attitudes to offer help to their neighbours.

Disgusting people... 

Mesha's picture
Well I used to feel like you-

Well I used to feel like you- and through a few of lifes lessons and an ernest desire to understand behavior like this. These are my conclusions so far.

  It has been my understanding that the people with the power and wealth to change things for the betterment of their fellow man, but choose not to, these are the ones we should send our love to for they are truely the poorest of us all.

    Their faith is in the "material" and they will be attracted when they pass away to a place of similar vibration so they may truely be where they need to be to exist.

  We must understand they are doing the very best that it is possible for them to do because of their own vibration.

   It is also my understanding that to let them effect you by lowering your vibration with anger  is of no benifit to you in this world- compassion is a good thing, anger a negative. Send out your love for this Earth and make it a better place for us all-


Thank you for the lesson you have just shown me my friend. Peace to you.

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