When More is Not Enough - Maurice Turmel PhD

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When More Is Not Enough

Maurice Turmel PhD


(image of snake devouring itself)


It seems like world events are now coming together to spell the end of the corrupt global banking system. With the recent worldwide crash of major stock markets, from Asia to the West, the predictions of impending collapse of the current financial system are heating up. Yes, these market declines are often called “corrections” but the online pundits, not aligned with the controlled media, are predicting rough times as the current system teeters on the verge of collapse. Max Keiser for example refers to this dying economic model as a giant Ponzi scheme.


The BRICS nations have been steadily pulling away from this criminally controlled Western entity that has literally brought the world to its economic knees. The model of 'more is never enough' is showing its cracks and collapse seems tangibly close at hand. Now is the time for a global humanitarian resurrection and a new model based on fairness and equitable sharing of world resources, something the casino handlers of the current system resist at every turn.


China and Russia, as principal members of BRICS, are showing themselves to be the architects of this newly evolving economic structure as they are not taking it on chin anymore from the Western Oligarchs. These banksters can lie, run and cheat but they cannot hide any longer. The curtain has been pulled back for all of humanity to see. The men behind the curtain are nothing but greedy whiners and a total fakes, just like Ponzi and Bernie Madoff. For these criminal elites, its all over but the crying.


It seems like humanity is in for rough ride worldwide in the latter half of this year, where clearly the US Federal Reserve train has gone off the rails. The US Debt Clock was stopped back in April of 2015 and all the reputable financial reports from online news-magazines are singing the same tune – The Federal Reserve is bankrupt as is the USA corporation that it has literally bled to death.


Things are piling up for these poor banksters, who can no longer hide, can no longer sell their litany of lies and cannot negotiate their way out of the hole they have dug for themselves. This is a catastrophe of epic proportions brought about by unbridled greed whose appetite could never be satisfied. For them 'more is never enough.' The same can be said for any addictive process. More is never enough whether its booze, drugs, sex or money!


When more is not enough you are caught in a cyclical dilemma reminiscent of those images we've all seen of a snake attempting to consume itself as in the image above. The banksters created this debt slavery monster that is now consuming them. “Hoisted by your own petard” rings true here.


This is the scenario we are witnessing right now. With countries like Greece being beat up by the EU fear-mongers who are desperate to stave off the slow but steady collapse of their financial house-of-cards. Their only play is to keep kicking the debt can down the road because the EU knows that Spain, Portugal, Italy and France, to name but a few, are teetering on the edge of financial collapse themselves. Greece is the canary in the coal mine. Inevitable disaster looms ahead.


The tried and true operational methods of honesty and fair play, that most of humanity still believes in, have been left behind by these Oligarch Banksters in favor of grandiose schemes, disconnected from reality, now producing apocalyptic results. These Bilderberg Bozos truly are the architects of their own demise. And no one will feel sorry for them, especially when the truth is clearly visible for the average citizen to see. Libor scandals! Criminal actions a la Rothchild in France! Banker “suicides” by the dozens to keep dirty secrets in-house! These psychopaths will keep devouring themselves until there is nothing left, just like that snake devours itself.


Consumed by their own will, unable to foretell the fatalistic consequences of their criminal actions, yet unharmed by so-called government watchdogs – they have engaged in a feeding frenzy akin to that of starving piranha with their own absurd economic creations as the food. Nothing will be left of this former stellar entity when the feeding is over. They will kill each other and then themselves before they are done. Just Google “dead & murdered bankers” to see what the tally is now. Some sites have them listed by name, bank position, date of death and “circumstances.”


These results are perfectly understandable given that their phony ideals come wrapped around profit margins driving them on like the forever out-of-reach carrot tethered to the front of the running donkey. More is never enough. All these phenomena are well illustrated in a great movie titled “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Whatever far-fetched ideas these bozos could muster to save more of their ill-gotten gains, it would appear failure is the only sure result.


The families that created this financial monstrosity are now being pursued by the victims of their treachery. By example we have the Neil Keenan lawsuit worth trillions of dollars and a great report by David Wilcock titled “Financial Tyranny” which was featured this past year on a Russian documentary. There's no way out for them now except to surrender or throw themselves out of the nearest skyscraper. Even Baron Rothschild is now a hunted man in France, and he along with a handful of world players are literally the head of this ravenous snake.


Unless Japanese style hari-kari is a credible option - unless flying off a building seems like more fun - then their only option is total surrender to the truth – the final stage of any addictive process. Because all addictive processes end the same – total self-destruction. Surrender to the Light, to the positive forces now embedded in the BRICS group of nations, to the truth of their ways is their only out if death does not seem too appealing. This is the final point of collapse all addicts come to before “renouncing” their ways, “accepting” their disease and “committing” to making amends. Otherwise, their only option is “death.”


The BRICS group of nations are the symbol of an awakening humanity, an emerging awareness that debt slavery is not mankind's spiritual destiny and that the inner referents of love, compassion and sharing are the only way for nations and people to survive and thrive. An equitable environment where all persons are considered partners and a distribution of wealth that is fair, are revealed as necessary to species and planetary survival. Poisoning our planet by raping and pillaging its resources is clearly alien to these precepts and must be acknowledged as insane. Change can only begin when truth is acknowledged and accepted.


Disengaging from the Oligarchs reptilian tentacles must become our immediate goal so as to ensure our survival beyond the apocalyptic unfolding of critical events we see surfacing at this time. The beast called banksterism has been mortally wounded but is still swinging that deadly tail until its last breath is released. Wherever possible, stay out of its way, and do whatever is necessary to minimize the collateral damage to your nation and family.


Hard to believe with all the thrashing about and damage caused we are witnessing right now but the truth is the Oligarchs are on the ropes. My favorite blogger Benjamin Fulford details this process in his weekly posts and shows us that their desperate measures are a sure sign of imminent demise. Their house of cards is teetering. The more they try to keep it together with duck tape and erudite bullshit, the quicker they bring on the end.


Energetically speaking, the banksters are doing what I heard dozens of clients report when they were approaching that critical moment of “Burnout” in their workplace lives. As their energy drained and the demands of the workplace steadily rose they simply pushed harder, put in more hours, expended more energy, only to see diminishing results and eventual collapse.


I called it “deficit spending” energetically speaking. I defined burnout as mental and emotional exhaustion followed by total collapse! Literally, people wake up one day and cannot move, cannot face their workplace and have to be placed on stress leave. Burnouts contemplating or attempting suicide is not uncommon. Not so long ago these crashes were called a Nervous Breakdowns.


Hitting bottom energetically is akin to hitting bottom with a failed financial platform. Being dishonest with yourself leads to energy depletion and collapse. Being dishonest with the public you purport to serve leads to economic failure and collapse. That's why banksters fear “runs” on deposits because that's their food being drained away. When more is not enough, then failure is the only result.


This once mighty financial edifice that seemed rock solid just a few years ago is now mortally wounded and will not survive beyond the brief grace period that lies before them. This Fall is predicted to be their final chapter. No stop gap measures, no kicking the can down the road, no Greek style austerity measures and no attempts to start another war will save this sick and dying beast.


The world is not buying their bullshit anymore. The average person is seeing through their shenanigans. Debt slavery is doomed and so is their system of abusing mankind for their own ends. Every form of denial has one inevitable end – total and unequivocal collapse.


The Western banking system is finished and the Oligarch banksters did it to themselves. We, the average citizens, will likely feel some effects, but we will survive because we are no longer controlled by their machinations and whims. All of their lies ring hollow now. And the more they amp up the volume of their failing policies the more

we see through their tyrannical nonsense.


So let's sit on the sidelines for now. Let's drain the banks and join a Credit Union as a stop gap and let's watch the great beast thrash about trying to pretend it's still relevant. Let's be sure and take all safety precautions so we can minimize these final effects and stay clear of that swinging tail. The more we wake up and see the truth for ourselves, the quicker the beast dies. By denying them our energy and our deposits do we speed up this inevitable end.


When More is Not Enough one's end is definitely assured. Its our turn to thrive people, as we were always meant to. Let's take back our power wherever and however we can. And then out of the ashes of that burned out beast, a Phoenix will arise. That phoenix is Us. Let us celebrate that, shall we. Oh yes my friends - we truly are the answer to our prayers.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it – Badda Bing, Badda Boom!!!


