Who Is Longing For Freedom?

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"The spiritual Journey along the road is in fact a quest for an answer to that question. When you have found the answer on your spiritual Journey, then you have woken up and you have found your real Self. The common answer is that it is the Ego that longs for freedom. It is, however, not completely true. The Ego-dominated mind has no idea what freedom is.

The Ego is longing for an image created of freedom by the mind. The image may be as varied as many people create them. For some, freedom means that I can do whatever I want. For others it means the things money can buy, still others find freedom in obedience to God. These are all mere images created by the mind, which is itself nothing but a tool, though in its present state it believes that it is the center of the universe. A lot of awakened teachers argue that there is no road leading to such an answer, there are no universal, trusty methods. Everybody needs to find the anwer individually. The awakened teachers believe that the only true aspiration of man is for truth and freedom. Adyashanti believes that the desire for freedom is rooted in the true nature of man, in man’s memories of freedom." Frank M. Wanderer

~From the book Frank M. WandererThe Biggest Obstacle to Enlightenment: How to Escape from the Prison of Mind Games?
