Why current climate is anomaly, and ice age climate is normal Earth's climate

Desert Gypsy's picture

The Watchers, 7/15/13, Adonai


The Ice Age isn't coming, because it is already here. According to author and researcher Rolf Witzsche the Ice Age Climate is the normal climate for the Earth and it has been for more than 85% of the last million years. Because glaciation has been the normal state of the climate, the glacial epoch has been named Pleistocene Epoch. Our present, nicely warm period is the anomaly in this epic icy landscape. The entire development of what we call civilization has occurred in this climate anomaly. It's a kind of holiday away from the cold that we've named appropriately, the Holocene Epoch, says Witzche.

We know this, he says, from measuring the contents of the historic layers of ice that have accumulated over long periods on Greenland and Antarctica. The interglacial holiday epochs have occurred at fairly regular intervals.

A New Ice Age stands before us and the transition has already begun. Witzsche explains that the climate of our world is in an accelerating trend of systemic transformation with enormous consequences for the world's agriculture in terms of increasing flooding, drought conditions, untimely frosts, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Even increasing earthquakes are a part of the transition precursors.

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