Let Me repeat Myself. How lovely is a day with you in it. Heavenly, I may say.
If you had any idea of the depth and breadth with which My heart is filled by even the thought of you, you would be one of the most joyous people in the world. You would not know of desolation, loneliness, or ever feeling unloved, for you would fly high as you have some idea of how loved you are. You would then be able to start loving yourself with all the love in Heaven and on Earth. You would love. You would not know how not to love. You would not know how to begin to feel unloved. You would have the basis from which to love everyone as yourself. Oh, yes, you have always loved everyone always as you loved yourself. You never loved yourself enough. Now you will do honor to everyone and the world with your love that will fall abundantly from you like apple blossoms. Your love will reach far and near.
What else will I repeat to ensure that you hear Me?
I will repeat: Let go, let go. Let go of everything that holds you back, and there is a lot, beloveds.
Letting go is not so easy for you. Let go of grudges and being right. Let go of any hanging on to how something has to be. It doesn’t have to be any way but what it is. Let go of the idea that you owe anyone anything or that anyone owes you anything. Let go of necessity for possessions. Let go of the idea that you know better than others. From others, even from those you see as less worthy or less fortunate than you, you have something to gain. Let go of everything but love. There is nothing else.
Part of letting go is to think, live, love, share, react differently. Gaps get filled, and they get filled with something. You are about to take greater strides in the world. You are going to step high. You are going to get out of the doldrums. Where will you be and what will you have when you are free and in Heaven where you already are if you could but accept this.
On Earth, you are getting to know Me and, therefore, your Self. For this, you want to settle down a bit. In other words, learn to relax. You can do it. You can learn not to take life and yourself so seriously. Look, you learned to take life and yourself very very seriously. All that which you have learned that is unhelpful to you, you can unlearn. It is not such a good idea to have learned well that which does not benefit you or the world at large.
Fear, which is the root of ego, has to be abandoned. Fear not. That’s it. Then you relax. Then you let go. Then wonderful purity of heart remains, and love fills you. Erase the slate of your mind. The past that never was has flown away, and you are free. You are free to love.
All that I tell you and tell you again is cost-effective, beloveds. Be assured that I do not waste My breath. Whatever I say that you hear gets into your cells. You have My Words deeply implanted and waiting for you, waiting for you to drink and be refreshed and sent out into the world far across any sea and any man-made boundaries. Boundaries are man-made, beloveds. A river to cross is not a boundary. Fences that keep you bound to the past are boundaries. You are freeing yourself now. You are as free as you announce to yourself to be. Give yourself permission to behold as I do behold. Behold, you are My beautiful Creation, and I created you freely from My heart. Free yourself from anything and everything that holds you back.