Why should we trust Obama?

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Yojoe1010's picture
Why should we trust Obama?

Why should we trust Obama?
This is a real question, I do not have an overly zealous opinion of the man, I can only go on his speaches ( all TelePrompTer) , who has put him in office( the Cabal) and the actions he has taken office, such and the NDAA act, soapa pipa, and numourus other disagreeable actions that really make me unsetteld with this man. The posts on the main page seem to make him out to be a savior of sorts, and as far as I am concerned he can go out the door with the rest of the illusionist deceivers.
I am just wondering of anyone feels the same that I do, or can show me any good reason to trust in him or leadership, because all I have seen is the same puppeteering going on as the previous presidents.

*** Ok , listen when people talk about how we should not focus on the negative I do not believe they mean stick your head in the sand and pretend it is not happening, yes we should not focus on the negative, but we must recognize it and then work to bring in the positive. I cannot stand when you speak of things being just an illusion and not reality, the only reality is the now moment, right? If so then in this current now moment if I don't pay my light bill my power will be cut, is that not reality? Don't you dare tell me while my brothers and sisters are still fighting this useless war in Afghanistan and they are dieing and losing limbs still every day, that it is an illusion. Or while my children are being starved in Africa and mothers are having forced abortions in china.. Their pain is real, yes in the grand picture it is temporary and we are in a great transition, thankfully, it just hurts my heart that there is so much suffering in the world and I can only do so much to stop it. So I cannot only focus on myself and pretend that it is all not real. The point of the discussion topic is to try to use dicernment and intuition that I have been gifted by the divine, to see during this grand transition who we can trust, and by asking Id hoped to receive some real information about why he is being portayed as a Great hero, just ad he was before his election, andnot being thrown under the bus like all the rest of the world "leaders " who have perpetuated this great illusion and the pain and suffering of the people of the planet.
I cannot blindly follow anyone. That is what has gotten us into this mess, we have to awaken the masses to the truth that has been held back for so long, and to trust in people who have shown nothing but arrogance and the lack of love and care for the people, is simply childish and irresponsible. We shall see.

Procool's picture


Devi Cholet
Devi Cholet's picture

I agree with you and am dismayed at how anyone could really know

what is true about this man.  It is difficult for me to reconcile a being

of "love and light" being able to do any of the things that he has done

with such a non chalante demeanor and seemly total disregard for

anyone's suffering.   I understand the argument that he may be "above'

the illusion of seeing any of this as real, but still cannot believe that

any being who is of the light could behave this way.....


I will be truly surprised if he turns out to be something other than

a selfish, greedy and power hungry person that he appears to be.



will's picture
Since just about everything

Since just about everything you know about him has been heavily filtered through biased sources, how can you say he has a "total disregard for anyone's suffering"? You've never met him personally have you?

Procool's picture


dawn christine (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
sorry Pal!

Your title and angle negates light. Give it another go! love light INSPIRE THAT!

dawn christine (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
is all good ! love & light!

the final moments of our ego are leaving the building ... so much love to everyone!

Procool's picture


Rain's picture
My Guides

My guides are big fans of Barack Obama's. They, and my higher self, tell me he is a being of great light.


I found this out by going inside, not by looking at what is going on outside myself.


In any case, the truth will be revealed soon. In the meantime, I plan to beam light and love to all of our politicians and public figures. It's time to either rise above or swim below the fray for it is just an illusion and engaging in the negative parts of the illusion does no good.





will's picture
Why do you associated SOPA

Why do you associated SOPA and PIPA with Obama? Not only did he not create them, he's also stated he opposes them in their current forms. link. I don't agree with everything Obama has done, but I could say the same for most human beings on this Planet. He's in a difficult position, and I don't presume to know all his motivations behind his actions. I think he's choosing his battles carefully. He did end the war in Iraq, and he's also put together a timeline for ending the war in Afghanistan.


You also told me not to dare to tell you that people dying is an illusion, and I'm not going to follow your demands: People dying is an illusion. The biggest mistake Humanity ever made was to believe the physical realm is Reality. It's like judging the whole Ocean by what you see on the surface. It creates the fear of death, and makes people forget their Soul Is Eternal. Such a limited view is the cause of suffering, and promoting that view is only going to promote more suffering, which is the last thing people need more of.


Obama is not a savior, and that idea is actually part of why so many people are angry with Obama. They put so much hope into Obama, and believed that he was going to fix their problems. That's not his role or anybody's role, and certainly not how a democracy works. It's up to the People to make the changes needed, while the president helps to facilitate them. So long as most of congress is still corrupt, there's not a whole lot he can do.

Yojoe1010's picture
You are right, death is an

You are right, death is an illusion, I just have a great distain for senseless death of humans. the "real reality"? This is a reality, there are many, the moment right now that I am experiencing is real, condensed light and the matrix is a reality is it not? In essence are we always spirit? You are in it reality right now, experincing yourself, right? So this whole thing is confusing sometimes but you cannot check out, only move to the next leve. The destination is the journey.

will's picture
The Light certainly is

The Light certainly is Reality, but the Light is not the physical realm. What we call the physical realm, and especially the "human world" is the product of a limited perception of a much larger Reality. The picture drawn by our brains exists only within our brains, it's a representation of Reality, but not Reality itself. Even further from Reality are the beliefs in people minds. A belief is like a description of a picture of Reality, and many of the descriptions aren't even remotely accurate.

Yojoe1010's picture
He sign them, therefore

He sign them, therefore supported them. Am I wrong? He could veto or table them riight?

will's picture
Where are you getting your

Where are you getting your information? Neither bill has been passed or signed by Obama, and he's made public statements opposing them both.  No wonder people dislike Obama so much when they aren't even getting true information. If you want to make most politicians look bad, all you have to do is tell the truth, but so much of the criticism of Obama is nothing but lies and rumors.

lawrence lu
lawrence lu's picture
Obama is a dual agent

I think he is playing the role of anti-christ by the order of eternal son through st. Germain.



In this ascension period every one is measured by their intent and decision made . He is providing a lot of choice of discernment for american.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
trusting Obama

Dear Joseph,

You are not alone in not trusting Obama and quite right in not doing so. The Cabal who caused  his election is not honest, never has been. Many of us who work for genuine harmony have never trusted him and it is now being seen by others that we were right. Try to forgive us for this and lend your thoughts and convictions to deposing this imposter. You know that our thoughts have great power, use them without reservation here and we will all be blessed.

Your intuition has not failed you here, trust it.



E Dawn
E Dawn's picture
Obama is just another being

Obama is just another being just like anyone else...can you trust others?  Then why not be able to trust him?  We hold conferences in dreamtime everynight....Obama and the beings here are part of these discussions.  Do you always consciously remember what is occurring?  Probably not, it's the same way for him.  Yet I am sure he's retaining bits and pieces.  The one thing I am curious about is if he's waiting for the correct timing do do anything major, if he even shall.  Though I must admit I'd rather see him in office for another 4 years then Mitt Romney, for him it's all about the money.  Not to mention that if you watched the debates Romney admitted that he wants a return to the "Regan and Bush" eras which at that moment I looked at the tv and was like ok people he's a self-admitted corporate puppet that's going to be paid off to let others do as they like.  Obama may not be perfect but unless a Lightworker get's into office and sets up their own government councils...well I guess we're just gonna have to accept what's going on with them for the moment and support the one that is more on the side of the people.

elziba's picture
Trusting Obama

Trusting Obama


One thing I suggest is that you look at the situation spiritually or even religiously.  This doesn't mean you have to "be" either one.  But all you hear from Republicans is morals, religon, etc.   View it as the difference between a priest & a prophet (recognizable even by atheists).  A priest teaches the past thru ritual which people simply repeat.  A prophet envisons the future, encourages dialogue, is more open & representative of progress.

The only progress Romney is interested in is that of turning us into the Corporate States of Amerika.  Clear choice to me.  One's all business, the other at least has some semblance of humanity.

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