The Wings of an Eagle

David Porter's picture


“My people (Ligthworker/Wayshowers and all who choose Love as Their Source of Power) will be as the wings of the Eagle in the “end times.”


Did you know that the Eagle typically lives at 10,000 feet elevations?

The Eagle has “tunnel vision,” and can see clearly for many miles. When the mighty Eagle senses a storm approaching, he will stand his ground, spread his wings and await the storm-facing it head-on. His wings lock in at a specific angle, and the strength of them makes it nearly impossible for them to bend. At this angle when the winds of the storm hit him he is lifted up, up and above the storm-where he soars quitly and peacefully in the sunny blue skies above.


The Eagle intuitively knows that he can use the “storm” for a source of power for his “up-lift-ment.”


Know that your thoughts have great power

Know that your words have great power

Know that your actions have great power

Know that your feelings have great power

Know that your attitudes have great power


Know this “Power” is Who You really Are-externally expressing This Magnificent Self.  


Think of exactly what it is that you “do” want not of that which you “don’t want, as either have identical magnetic power to draw to you what it is that’s on your mind.  


Speak only of that which is uplifting and of that which is exactly what you want to unfold into your life, speak of nothing else.


Act as though you already have what it is that may please you, and for Heavens sake be kind to YourSelf, all of Your “Selves.”


Stop letting “feelings” control you, and take charge of how you feel. If you cannot in the moment of ill-feelings-go to a state of pure joy, that’s fine, just turn your knob up one Koch at a time, by honing in on any thought that cases you to feel a little better.   


If you have never before tried it, have an attitude of gratitude in all things, as this is the ingredient that will cure all things.
