It is true. You are to follow your own heart. You are your own drummer. This is not to say that you are to necessarily follow all of your immediate impulses. You may want another ice cream sundae. This does not mean you have to say Yes to another ice cream sundae.
You may want with all your heart to have a new car. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are to buy one just now. Sometimes it isn’t a choice, or a good choice for you. It is not a bad thing when you cannot afford something. Not having the money helps you to discern and make decisions.
It is good for you to follow your dreams. Of course, all dreams aren’t about spending money. In the relative world, everything depends.
Common sense also has its place. Nor can it be said that common sense is to rule. Whose common sense is it? Yours or someone else’s? Results are not always the test. What you see as good results or unfortunate results may not tell the tale. Eventually, someone would have discovered the sought-after New World. If Christopher Columbus had initially listened to the advice of the world, it wouldn’t have been Christopher Columbus who discovered America.
It is not always so easy to know where your heart is leading you or whether it is truly your heart at all. Many a man and woman have fallen in love. Their hearts were certainly happy, and yet how many of these happy hearts married great happiness?
However much anything may be seen as a mistake, no one really knows. Something may be regretted, yet that doesn’t have to mean that it was a mistake. Oh, yes, you might choose differently now. You might unchoose the marriage you chose, for instance, yet you cannot say with accuracy that you made a mistake.
Perhaps another way to say this is that mistakes are also part of life. If it is true that there are no accidents, then, no matter how something may appear to you in hindsight, it was not a mistake.
Regardless, you may well be wiser. Or maybe not, for so it is said that many of My children seemingly repeat their mistakes.
One could say that life itself is a process of making mistakes.
I will tell you this: Life in the world would be dull without your making what you call mistakes. What if you were always on time and always in the right place at the time? What if your mascara never smudged? If you never spilled milk, what would you have to cry over? What if you never lost your keys? What if you always said the right thing? What if you never had to go to the dentist? Do you not gain some joy from the stirring that life provides?
Earth life is about the unplanned-for which may or may not have been what you wanted. Life is for the unexpected, for with unexpected, you take leaps. You have to. And often you rise above. Often you make it across a bumpy road.
If you could paint your life as you wish at any given moment, you would not be painting a true picture of life in the world. Of course, you like to dream of a perfect life. More power to you.
None of Us know at a given time what is perfect and what is not. None of Us know with certainty where a road will lead, uphill or downhill. The straight and narrow is not always better than the wild and woolly. Beauty and the Beast may not be what they seem. No one always wins the lottery. But, hey, this is life in the world. The world holds enchantment for you. Regardless of how you may sum up your life, life itself is enchanting. You always succeed in the pure living of life regardless of your evaluation of it.