Worried About Our Food? You’re Not Alone. A Map of the Movement

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Blogs.prevention.com, By:  Robyn O'Brien, 06/09/2013



They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  And the image below could not do a better job of showing our country’s food awakening when it comes to genetically engineered ingredients quietly being slipped into our food.


It shows the cities where people have come together to call attention to this change that was introduced into our food supply about 15 years ago: the genetic modification of a select number of food crops by a chemical company that enables these crops to be increasingly saturated with their chemicals. It’s an operating system, hardwire the seeds to withstand chemicals, and a brilliant business model for a chemical company.  The thing is: consumers aren’t so sure.  Around the world, 64 countries labeled these ingredients, and if the map below is any indicator, it appears that Americans around the country want the US to follow suit.


For more on this story visit www.prevention.com

