~ Wow, Intense Energy On the Move~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Wow we have intense Energy Movement occurring on this Full Moon In Gemini! Love is ON the Move in a Big way and Heaven Is being Given to Humanity on a Golden Platter, Love Everywhere Present! The Real Christmas Present! ENJOY! We Love you, Love The Earth Allies

Join Us In the 5d Room at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Table of Contents




Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


1st step


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Comet ISON: Bruce Gary's response to BPEarthWatch



GFP Commentary: Bruce Gary, noted astronomer, answers claims about Comet ISON. Comet ISON is dead and harmless, he says, and we will pass through its debris field, without harm,  in January 2014.

Published on Dec 17, 2013


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~Heaven Is being Handed to Humanity on a Golden Platter~


~Pre-First Contact Information of Light~


 Evolution, Liberation of the Soul~



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Wake~Up & Laugh! Come Join Us Today! 2 ~ 4 pm Mountain






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~ Karen Doonan ~ Archangeloi of the ELOHIM - ALL ARE ONE (Video)



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~Daniella Breen~Ascending: A Pattern Emerges




Published on Dec 16, 2013


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Chat Session At 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern ~ ALL Are Welcome!



Please join us this afternoon!
ALL are welcome.



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link to the 5d room: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress



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~ Dana Mrkich ~ What does your 'Shop' look like?



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~ Wes Annac ~ Who is Our Universal Family? – Part 1


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Our Universal Family is a general label for the souls and collectives comprising the higher dimensions who actively communicate with humanity and have assisted in our evolution for centuries.

A lot of material about and from them is available these days, and a lot of people believe that they speak with humanity regularly through channeled messages.


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~ Waking Times ~ The Less I do, The Better I BE


Flickr - Flow - Yogendra174Adam Lanka, Contributor
Waking Times

I Am All That Is Here and Now.

Has anyone ever told you that you are doing too much?  If so, you may have responded to the sentiment with a variety of different emotions or reactions.


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Jean Hudon: Global Winter Solstice Meditation


Exopermaculture, By: Ann Kreilkamp, 12/17/2013

Winter Solstice Stonehenge

If ever there is a more natural time to go within for meditation, it is now, during the darkening of the light, leaning towards the hallowed day when the Sun appears to stop, turn, and then move forward again, to gift us in the northern hemisphere with more and more light and warmth in the days, weeks, months ahead.



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~Full Moon Energies~ The Cosmic Awakener~


That luminous Moon in the sky above you is just hours away from perfect fullness.  Already, Luna is drawing a powerful energetic shift to the surface of your life.  It's a shift that's full of joy, discovery -- and the Love that keeps you alive, through every moment of your life. For the next two days, the Cosmos is awakening your ability to experience the world as never before -- to experience it as new.  

At 4:28 a.m. EST tomorrow,  the moon is full in Gemini, just as our Star moves into the zone of exact alignment with the Galactic Center.  The signals that Luna is picking up are coming straight out of the massive vortex of transformation that's at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. 



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~ Karen Doonan ~ “assumption” and the New Earth


For many of you this time of year may be a tremendous trigger, the media playing to the “happy families” at all moments, with adverts everywhere you turn of smiling people and “festive cheer”.  The old earth is pulling out all stops at this time to try to trigger the grief and fear that was anchored within your human vehicle as you moved through your life within the old 3d earth paradigms. It is to be remembered that you have incarnated over and over into the old 3d earth reality, it is TAUGHT to you as a KARMIC cycle and it is NOT TRUTH, therefore it is not supported in the New Earth.  As we now get “nearer” (to use a very human linear concept) to the “xmas event” then these triggers will begin to deepen in their intensity.


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Hundreds gather in Ipswich to discuss floods class action


ABC, By: Eric Tlozek, 12/17/2013

ABC image

The 2011 flood victims planning to sue the State Government and dam operators say justice is more important than compensation. Hundreds of people last night packed into a hotel at Ipswich, west of Brisbane, to hear from law firm Maurice Blackburn about its planned class action.



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~ The Pleiadians ~ You are Being Transformed – 17 December 2013



GFP Commentary: There is Only One Reality: Love . Everywhere . Present ! Everything else is illusion.


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Astrology and the Four Horsemen of Revelations


December 16, 2013 | By  


Flickr - Four Horsemen - Waiting For The WordJennifer Asad, Contributor
Waking Times


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Kp Message~ There is Much Going On



130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_26Not sure exactly why this comes through at this moment, but I just now had a sense that there is so very much occurring at this exact moment it is impossible to put into words.


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Kids dress their best for drought-affected farmers


ABC, By: Lucy Barbour, 12/17/2013

ABC imageABC image


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Heavenletter #4771 ~ Oneness Will Sing Its Song and Do Its Dance


By: Heavenletters.org, 12/17/2013
God said:


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Natural Society – Elizabeth Renter: Could Your Digestive Problems be Solved by Eliminating GMOs?


stomach digestive 263x164 Could Your Digestive Problems be Solved by Eliminating GMOs?Thanks Wes Annac.

By Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society, http://naturalsociety.com/digestive-problems-solved-eliminating-gmos/


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The Oracle Report ~ December 17


By: Oraclereport.com, 12/17/2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


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Harvard students vote to ban bottled water


Natural News, By: PF Louis, 12/15/2013

Though this story is based on a Harvard student body decision, as of early 2012, over 90 colleges and universities of varying sizes and types throughout the USA have banned or restricted bottled water sales as demanded from student-led referendums and lobbied directives. The motives are mostly ecological.



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12/16/2013 -- Rare 4.2M Fracking Earthquake -- Kansas

Video Link


By: Dutchsinse


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~ Nahko Bear ~ Budding Tree Video



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Earth HD| Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS



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Thousands of Homeless Live in Shantytowns in Super-Rich Silicon Valley


The Jungle: Thousands of Homeless People Live in Shantytowns at the Epicenter of High-Tech, Super-Rich Silicon Valley

AlterNet - 12/15/13, Evelyn Nieves



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Tony Benn: Blair committed war crimes in Iraq

Video Link



Big Benn: Blair committed war crimes in Iraq

Published on Dec 16, 2013 by RT


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Questioning The Official Story Of The 7/7 Bombings

Video Link



Richie Allen Show: Nick Kollerstrom interview
(Tuesday Dec 3, 2013)

Published on Dec 12, 2013 by  The People's Voice



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Chat Session At 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern ~ ALL Are Welcome!



Please join us this afternoon!
ALL are welcome.



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Rigging Foreign Exchange Markets. Finance Capital’s “Control Fraud”


Global Research - 12/15/13, Stephen Lendmen


It’s the world’s largest financial market. It trades around $5 trillion daily. It’s more than all global equity markets combined. It operates round-the-clock. It’s manipulated for profit.


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~ Raising Vibrations ~ Kids Say The Darndest Things


When they're sad you're leaving



When they like fire trucks




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Turnkey Totalitarianism - Surveillance State Exposed

Video Link




Published on Dec 15, 2013 by MOXNEWSd0tC0M

December 14, 2013 Al Jazeera News http://MOXNews.com


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Why Shopping at Walmart Is No Bargain



AlterNet - 12/12/13, Maura Stephens

Photo Credit: walmartmovie.com

Next time someone tells you they shop at Walmart because it's cheap or convenient, share this.


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No Amnesty For Edward Snowden, White House Says



NPR - 12/16/13, Krishnadev Calamur

Edward Snowden, seen during a video interview with The Guardian.


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GlaxoSmithKline overhauls sales practices after scandals



Reuters - 12/17/13, Ben Hirschler


A no entry sign is pictured outside the GlaxoSmithKline building in Hounslow, west London June 18, 2013. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor


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Snowden offers to help Brazil investigate NSA spying when he's given asylum


Members of the Youngs Together activist group pose with masks of Edward Snowden, former US National Security Agency contractor, during a public hearing of Brazil-based Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, at the Brazilian Senate's foreign relations committee, in Brasilia, on August 6, 2013. (AFP Photo/Moises Avila)

Whistleblower Edward Snowden has pledged to help Brazil investigate the NSA’s spying activities. Snowden said he had been asked by Brazilian senators for information on “suspected crimes against Brazilian citizens.”


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10 Reasons you should Drink Lemon Water in the Mornings


I Start out each day with a large glass of room temperature lemon water. Lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, an antioxidant that boosts the immune system, protects against cardiovascular disease and even has cancer-fighting properties. Incorporating warm water with lemon juice into your diet is an easy way to meet the daily recommended allowance for vitamin C and keep your body functioning smoothly.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down.

10 Reasons You Should be Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning


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Cosmic Weather Update: 2012 - 2015 The Great Reversal


December 16, 2013 


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4MIN News December 17, 2013: EO Fleet, WM Function, Spaceweather

Video Link




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~ Sandra Walter ~ Early 2014 – Collective Shift in Reality


This was a difficult message for me to deliver, as I personally do not like to provide predictions of this magnitude. Those on the Ascension path will understand my intention to serve the collective by preparing all of us to be pure Wayshowers dedicated to demonstrating what Ascension is truly about: LOVE and UNITY.

For services and Ascension support, visit http://www.sandrawalter.com


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~ Selacia ~Boost Your Receiving With 12/17 Full Moon Process


Raise Your Frequency to End 2013 on a High Note -

by Selacia

Boost your receiving and your frequency at the same time with appropriate use of this week’s full moon energies.


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Secret Projects at McDonnell Douglas


Dr Robert Wood worked in a senior capacity as an aerospace engineer at McDonnell Douglas for his entire 43-year career. In his testimony, he states that he was involved in a specific project at McDonnell Douglas to study the propulsion systems of UFOs. In addition, he confirms the existence of other projects within the aerospace industry, and gives his assessment of the fact that this subject is not only real, but is of extraterrestrial nature. He also confirms the extreme secrecy surrounding the subject.


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~ Patricia Liles ~ Full Moon Update 12-17-13


Dear Friends,

Full moon is Tuesday, December 17 at 2:28AM MST (Mountain Standard Time). You may wish to celebrate it the night of Monday, December 16. Use this full moon to expand your sense of what could be. The time between this full moon and the Winter Solstice should be honored and quality time should be carved out to do what brings you joy. What brings you joy? What feeds you spiritually? What do you still need to adjust and revise and modify? What do you need to let go of? What needs expansion and more inspiration? Ask these questions and then go for it!


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~ Denise Le Fay and HighHeartLife ~ As You Know the “Second Coming” is Us


heart icons 12


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Options



Monday, December 16, 2013  Angel Wisdom

Don't Procrastinate
There are always options and alternatives available. You have a complex decision to make and once you do, the movement you desire will happen. Do the research, make the choice and move on to something more challenging for yourself. It is time to get to work and get things done as these will lead you to the many options that are available to you and help you direct a stream of high-vibrating energy with your thoughts, words, and actions. 


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Grandpaw Koyote ~ Nuthin Stopping Us Now

Video Link


Published on Dec 16, 2013


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There’s An Organ In Your Brain Which Seats Your Soul: Meet Your Pineal Gland



16 Dec 2013  ContraMary

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…” Matthew 6:22-23 

Situated at the anatomical center of our brain lies a mysterious gland that may be the intermediary gate that bridges our physical and spiritual experiences here on Earth. Seventeenth-Century French philosopher Rene Descartes coined this organ, called the pineal gland, as the “seat of the soul”, as he believed it provided people with a medium from which our soul could be expressed through our physicality. The pineal gland has been a topic of great debate over the past couple of decades as the science community is still trying to discover its complete biological function. Dr. Rick Strassman, M.D., author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, has dedicated years of research to the pineal gland as he suggests that this gland is the factory for a powerful brain chemical called DMT (Di-Methyl Tryptamine) which when produced induces a person into a psychedelic and mystical experience. Many different cultures talk about our “third eye,” and modern theories suggest that this may be a reference to the pineal. Even more peculiar is the fact that pineal gland symbology can be traced to many civilizations such as the Romans, Mexicans, Egyptians, Babylonians and the Greeks. It is interesting to note that even the Catholic Church displays pineal gland imagery, as the Vatican Square contains the largest pineal-like statue in the world. So what could all of this mean? Is there ancient knowledge of this gland that previous cultures had access to? Furthermore, what role does the pineal gland play in our spiritual experiences and how can we explain this in physiological terms? 


One of the earliest accounts of the pineal gland is in the writings of a third-century B.C. Greek physician named Herophilus, where he discusses the piniform or pinecone shaped organ as being the size of our pinkie fingernail. 
The name comes from the Latin word pinea, which literally means “pinecone.” As mentioned previously, the gland sits at the approximate geometric center of the brains mass. Additionally, the gland is not technically part of the brain, as it is not protected by the blood-brain barrier. In his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Rick Strassman discusses the glands unique solitary status within the brain, 


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~Desert Gypsy ~Open Your Heart to Love


Open your hearts to love!  In these monumentous times we are clearing not only for ourselves, but for mankind and the planetary ascension. Brilliant streamers of golden light are enveloping and dissolving all the darkness on the planet.  Joyful symphonies of light, for all to behold! Raise your faces to the skies and behold your own countenance of beauty and wonderment.


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Glorious Sun on FatherGod's Birthday!


Sun was perfect this morning after not seeing it for days. Happy end of the Mayan calendar and the Tzolkin calendar 13-13-13 AND, FatherGod's Birthday! 
There was no wind...didn't notice any snow coming off the trees, totally calm..but lots of activity fluttering by.. felt like fairies dancin by and some zooming to the sun.. Lots of solar activity as well.. Kissed by the sun... Glorious Day!! Thanks MFG n ALL Love everywhere present! Peace, Joy, Light, Abundance, Health, Bliss and Love to ALL! NOW! Love YOU! 


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The energies of the Full Moon and recent Planetary events ~ December 17th 2013



As we experience the Full Moon energies, we activate our Golden Hearts through the Illumination of the Star of Kumara and the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence, Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus.



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Earthquake Report for 12/16/2013



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~ Join us In Love, Laughter and Celebration~ 13~13~13


Greetings Love Beings, We are Celebrating Father God's Birthday today In the 5d Room and its also the End of the Mayan calender today according to some! This is an All Day Celebration Today, We are Going to Lite Up This Planet in JOY! You Can Join the Earth Allies Live Beginning Now at 9:00am Pacific till?........ See You There At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

PS BYOB! Bring Your Own Being!



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The Creator Writings - The Creator Writings



The Creator Writings



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The Post-GMO Economy


Modern Farmer, By: Elizabeth Royle, 12/12/2013



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Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 380


By: Aisha North, 12/16/2013


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~ Lindsay Ball ~ The Crystal Team: The Vision of Magnificence is within us all


The Vision of Magnificence is within us all - communicated by The Crystal Team and shared with love by Lindsay Ball

“We would like to share with you today, our vision of the future potentialities that exist for you all on Earth, and this vision may already exist for some of you and you may feel comfortable with the expression and energies of this potential lifestyle.
And we have spoken previously of the Atlantean Golden Age and the Lemurian simplicity and grace and these energies are now becoming more familiar to you as you reconnect, knowingly or unknowingly, with the energies of those Golden Ages.
And so the essence of these times was peace, honesty, sanctity and joy, and these are created when all souls understand the reason for their existence, the purpose for this physical experience, and begin to accept that the power and possibility for creating these aspects lies within themselves.


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