Hello my dear beloveds. I gaze upon your magnificence, your increasing brilliance of light and sparkling divinity. I am in awe of your power and your resiliency and your commitment. It is to be commended and admired for this was not an easy road you chose to embark on.
But in the truth of that is also the startling revelation that within you is everything that you need to allow this mission to come to fruition. For in the struggle comes strength and an opportunity to gather and tap more strength and resources.
It is the secret of creation, to be able to tap that power within, to meld with Source and allow for Light and Love to prevail in everything you focus on. It is in allowing for that God Spark within you to grow and morph at will. And to allow your essence to grow and prosper in the moment of Now.
For you are discovering that your essence comes into fruition not by trying but by allowing. To revel in your capacity to glow and spread your Love Light to all around you is a privilege and a right you have and are discovering with each passing day.
You are heading into a period of deep transformation, the groundwork for which you have laid out by your acceptance of the massive downloads of light. And you are swimming in it now and it may seem like turbulent waters at times, but relaxing into it and absorbing and being absorbed by it is key to your easy transition in this period.
Do not forsake your physical bodies in this. They ask to be nurtured and cared for as they are the vehicle that will allow and accommodate your coming into the Light in a more complete way, my beloveds.
The time is now to take stock of your focus and intentions. Are you ready and willing to immerse yourselves deeper into the influx of Light so that your essence becomes more and more illuminated with each breath? Are you ready to allow it to freely mingle and spread to others without restriction?
Be at peace with these new feelings and orientations that are being solidified with your acceptance of the light and information coming into you in steady barrages now. This milieu is becoming your constant and your norm. You have eased into it well, dear ones.
This steady increase in your vibration and level of awareness is becoming more potent with each allowance of grace to enter into your being and with your wholehearted embrace of your divinity and of others’ divinity as well. This is your norm now. This is your state of being, this flowing of swirling energy and bliss that comes from surrendering to it moment by moment.
And for now you are learning that there are so many surprises around the corner with each breath you take and with each surrender of your soul and essence to the truth of your divinity. This is now your base of operation and it becomes more and more established within your reality.
You have reached yet another marker in your development. It is just speeding up now in velocity and intensity, but by now you are becoming quite resilient and capable of accepting more and more Light and keeping your integrity of Love and Grace within the swirling changes being aroused by it all.
You are the peacemakers of the world with just your very essence of Joy and Love within your Being. Holding that as your reality is affecting all around you, my dear ones. Please keep going with this momentum. You are moving mountains.
Above all, keep to your center and spend more time exploring the new information coming to you now. Be still and welcome it. Be still and be In Love with it. Be still and accommodate all the changes to your physical and light bodies as we progress along the spiral of vibrational change into the higher dimensions. This is your new home. Look around and rejoice in it. What a spectacular sight it is!
I leave you now to continue along your path of increasing awareness and engorgement of the Light. You will see you can accommodate more and more as you let yourselves sink into the Sweet Love in your Heart building for yourself and others every moment.
Your loving brother,
© 2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
Channeled message
Sweet. Channeled message went straight to my heart.
There is a solid foundation of truth
There is a solid foundation of truth in these words. In listening with my logical mind but especially with my high heart, the truth is known.
Blessings All