Gratitude unlocks the fullness of Life, it turns what we have into enough and more! It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a Friend! Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings Peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Even if the lyrics are sometimes messed up. Life is still and always will be like a Beautiful melody! Beloved Brothers and Sisters, the only place Your/my past lives is in Your/my memory and the only power the past has is what You/me give it. The only way to change the future is is by presently doing it....BEING IT. God/Goddess has called You/me by name and God/Goddess has chosen You/me and also knows You. What ever has began within You/me is a's'growth and it is so important for us to trust within this process of growing, every day! It is not for use to wait for circumstances to change....but we ourselves to be the walk by Faith of a way of Life. God/Goddess lives within our hearts and God's/Goddess's Love for each child(us) is unconditional....You are created Perfectly and there is truly nothing that You short because You/me have everything within us and so much more! So, let's'go ahead and choose to fill our cup of Life with endless(Infinite) Sunshine and Laughter? Never a dull moment, only a heart filled with Infinite Gratitude for every experience for the good of every soul.