You are the Master of Your Soul!

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by Judi Lynch

It’s time to take back your spiritual power! Turn up the frequency, dial in, and crank up your amazing metaphysical skills. These connections are imperative in helping you survive this rapidly changing world. Refresh your browser and hold fast to the future you wish to manifest during your time here. Many individuals are suffering in the confusion of transition that they are unable to be still and listen to the guidance being offered all around them. Incredible connection and vibrational energy is just waiting to be discovered below the surface of the drama and anxiety.

Protect Our Soul

One of the most important aspects of tapping into your own source energy of pure love and guidance is to protect it. Honor this phenomenon as sacred. No one is allowed to chart or manifest your future but you! Life is filled with options and decisions that can help you fulfill your best potential to help a life purpose shine with attitude and clarity. Letting another chart your course with their judgments, timelines or demands can rob you of your own source given power to manifest and ultimately draining your energy.
