You Can’t Solve Inside Problems With Outside Solutions - Not Just A Blonde

will's picture

We each lead lives filled with problems. Many of the most painful ones are internal. We live our lives suffering from all kinds of these inner hurts including: insecurity, loneliness, anger, bitterness, resentment, fear, and sadness.

We do some crazy things to try and solve these inner problems! We drink, we shop, we eat, we work, we hide… all in an attempt to solve the pain of our problems. If we are anxious we may have a drink, if we are stressed we may grab some m&m’s, if we are lonely we may log on to Facebook, if we are feeling unattractive we may buy a new pair of shoes. These “solutions” however only offer us temporary relief!

We must stop looking for a solution to our inner turmoil and unhappiness outside ourselves but instead look within. These external solutions will never truly solve our problems or satisfy us. They distract us from the true source of a solution that lies within ourselves.

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