Your Attachment to Permanency

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Nothing ends, beloveds. Life does not end. Life does not end with the death of the body, you know that. Love does not end. Impossible.
There are those who say the world ends. Many of My children have lived through what seems like the end of the world to them, through Tsunamis and what-not.
Most are appalled to even conceive of the very idea that the world could end. No no, that cannot be.
The idea of dissolution of the world brings up a point I will get to in a minute.  
Even as you hear that someday you too will die, it is hard to believe. Oh, yes, your body will die. I tell you that this is no tragedy. The world is convinced death of the body is a tragedy. Otherwise, there would be no mourners and mourning. There would not be sadness. There would be joy instead that a loved one has come Home to the full splendor of Heaven. God is always.
For you to conceive that the world as you know it should end is blasphemy, even though you personally at a given moment wouldn’t choose to be here on Earth, even if you don’t much revel in life as you know it. Nevertheless, you are aghast and bereft at the idea of the world’s coming to an end. It is more than hard for you to comprehend this.
What would it mean? No planet Earth? No trees? No greenery? No oceans, no water? If the planet disappears, would all the people on Earth also disappear? Would there be no human beings remaining? Would all the beautiful books and movies disappear? Would there be nothing? And does nothing mean literally nothing?
To think of the manner in which the world could end is a devastating idea. Although the world is often too much with you, you would be up in arms against the idea of anything happening to Earth.
Now We come to the point of this discussion. The point is that you are to let go of attachment altogether. Even an attachment to something as great as the world, you must let go of. You must let go of your attachment to permanency. Infinity is another matter. Infinity makes permanency small.
It is impossible for Infinity to disappear. It is impossible for Oneness, Vastness and Love to disappear. Hey, the world is illusion anyway.
Maybe as We talk about this today, you begin to see how much the Earth deeply means to you. You may be discontent with life on Earth as you know it, yet you also discover that you would protect every hair on Earth’s head. You care that others see the world’s beauty. You would defend the world and its beauty to your body’s death.
It’s a good thing to remember that you live on Earth for a while, yet you do not own it. The world is not your possession. No matter if you own the deeds to a whole city block, you do not own a speck of Earth. You have no real authority here except in how you perceive and how you behave.
One act of yours may make all the difference in the world for you, and you can only guess how many others.
You are a painter of this world. Right now, for all practical purposes, is the only chance you have. This minute you are King or Queen of the Mountain. Now you can bless your palace or cardboard box.
Now you know that you are a shareholder, but not an owner. You don’t even have a lease. Now you are grounded in what is real and what is not.
Never forget that I, God, AM Forever. Inasmuch as We are not two but One, then that which is referred to as you is also Forever. This Oneness is all there ever was anyway. There never is really anything to lose – except, well, sentiment, perhaps.
