Today’s message is a very simple and straightforward one. It’s purpose is to offer us a sense of peace and serenity, and to provide a feeling of safety and comfort during these fast-moving and often confusing times. Our friends and family of the Higher Realms wish to reassure us that the Earth’s children are unconditionally loved and Divinely protected, always. No matter where they go or what activities they are engaged in, they never, ever walk alone.
As parents, educators and healers, it’s seems so natural to worry about the children. We are concerned about their health and the quality of the food they are consuming – or even whether there is sufficient food for them to consume at all! We strive to shield them from violence and to equip them, as best we can, to live as heart centered people in what’s left of a decaying society – one which thrives on “achievement”, competition and materialism; the very society that they have come here to change. As more and more of the truth is revealed, we are shocked and dismayed to learn what has really been going in with our educational and medical systems. Have we made the right choices? Have we pointed our children in the best direction? Is there something else we should be doing for them now?
Our Angel of the day today is Opal. Opal is a guardian of the children, and her role is to act as a protector and a guide for the new, and highly awakened generations of incoming souls who are arriving on the planet in greater and greater numbers every day. These children are coming in with much of their DNA already activated and upgraded, a knowledge of who they are and their consciousness intact. They are choosing to incarnate at this time not to work through old Karma or to the suffer the lessons of third density, but to act as the facilitators of the new systems that our generations are working to put into place. They are the critical link in Gaia’s and Humanity’s ascension. They are incredibly vital to our survival as a planet and a race. Most importantly of all, they are our future.
Our children’s presence here on Earth is necessary, and it is essential that they are protected and cherished and loved. Teams of Angels and Guides are leading them every step of the way. And in many cases these lovely, unspoiled souls can actually see and openly communicate with their Celestial friends. Be sure to foster this communication, and be supportive. Ask lots of questions, and let them know that it is perfectly natural and desirable to be able to see and hear their unincarnated family! We are being told not to worry. The Angels have heard our prayers and are acting in accordance with the children’s, and our highest good. “Have faith”, they tell us. “Trust that all of God’s precious creatures are deeply loved.”
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