Your Guide to Planetary Energies for February 17 to 23, 2014

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Astrology Journal


By Pam Younghans



Today’s photo: Auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska on February 7, 2013 (photo by Marketa S. Murray, posted on




WHEN ATTEMPTING to explain a Mercury retrograde phase, I often compare our experience to being like Alice’s adventures in Wonderland — and truth be told, this particular Mercury retro period is already feeling quite surreal, much like the world Lewis Carroll created.




I especially like the title of Mr. Carroll’s second book about Alice: Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. It feels very appropriate to think about Mercury retrograde as a time when we enter an alternate reality, one that is something like a mirror to our normal life.




THIS CONTINUATION of Alice’s adventures uses unexpected changes in time and space to further the plot, and contains many mirror themes, such as words being printed backward on a page and time running backward. Sounds a lot like Mercury retrograde to me.




Perhaps it will help us see the humor in our experience this week to remember Alice’s journey through the looking glass — especially if someone’s email to us seems just about as comprehensible as the “Jabberwocky” poem. We can also find comfort in the fact that Alice emerges at the end of each book to rejoin her regular life — although, if we want to benefit from our Mercury retrograde experience, we will do our best to read each day’s events symbolically, rather than merely waiting (impatiently) for this phase to be over.




MONDAY AND TUESDAY may be our most enigmatic days this week, since Mercury is involved in aspects with Uranus and Saturn on those two days. Monday’s Uranus-Mercury semisquare challenges us to think outside of normal parameters, while Tuesday’s Saturn-Mercury square brings us back down to “reality,” making it clear where our far-out plans and ideas need more research before they can be considered viable.




Then, with the Sun entering mystical Pisces on Tuesday and moving into alignment with Neptune by Sunday, our definitions of what is possible continue to be in flux through the rest of the week.




THE MONTH OF PISCES is our last month of the zodiac year, marking a time of completion and letting go of the past. This clearing prepares us for the new beginning represented by the Aries Equinox on March 20.




Pisces also supports us in our exploration of other realms — the worlds of our imagination, our creativity, and our spirituality. We can get lost more easily in these realms when Pisces energy is strong. Meditations may be enhanced and the voice of our creative muse may be more seductive than usual. The only caution with Pisces is to notice when we’re avoiding reality in detrimental ways, rather than expanding our connection with nonphysical reality in life-enhancing ways.




ONE FINAL NOTE: Although there are no major triggers to the grand cross energies this week, the Moon will once again interact with all four planets in the configuration. If you’re monitoring these energies and watching how they manifest in your life, here are the times (in Pacific Standard Time) when the Moon forms aspects with the grand cross planets:


  • Tuesday: Moon opposite Uranus 6am, Moon square Jupiter 7:18am, Moon square Pluto 11:04am
  • Wednesday: Moon conjunct Mars 1:52pm


Have a blessed week,








NorthPoint Astrology Blog: To read my latest post, “Comments on this week’s Journal,” please visit I look forward to your comments!




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