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~Your Words Are Divine Inspiration~



Hello Dear Family.  My name is Michael and I am one of the moderators for the Galactic Free Press Forum.  The reason I am writing this is simply, to remind Us of Our Brilliance when We write and connect with each other.  
I am pretty sure you have heard the saying, “the more you write, the more you remember”.  This, I found to be True from my own experience.  When I started on my awakened path, I would write many emails and messages to others I felt connected to.  They didn’t always write back (lol ;), however, the writing was something that needed to occur.  As I wrote, I would also receive telepathic messages from my angels once I made it to a certain subject.
For instance, while writing, I would be told to google a specific term.  That term would synchronistically lead me to another website that would provide answers to questions concerning my mission, past lives, multi-dimensional occurrences, and clarification of visions, to name a few.  The interesting thing about this process, is that it allowed me to record synchronicity.  Now, I can actually go back to what I wrote, and tap into the magic of that moment.  Then of course, write some more and witness More magic.
Tapping into a magic moment (5D Moments) is good medicine for the Soul in darker times.  It is a good way to remind yourself of YourSelf, and how Amazing and All Powerful You Are.  Of course dear Family, when I speak of “All Powerful”, I speak of The Heart, and Writing From The Center, which is Your Heart.  When you write from the Heart, it is of he Highest Intent and Good for All.  Writing from the heart is absent of Ego, because writing from the heart Is Your True Self writing through You.
My Highest Intent Is for All of Us to share and partake in this magic, and watch it unfold and blossom into the Beauty of Oneness, for that Is All There Is.  Each of Us bringing Our Individual Brilliance to The Whole, and watching that Brilliance flourish and bring forth the Brilliance of Others.  We Are All Part of The One, and by writing and connecting, this fact becomes more evident as more connections are made.  The more Love We Share with one another, the more Miracles We Manifest.  Could You Allow Your Love and Light to Shine For Others?  
Yes, I Know You Can, and I Thank You for doing so.  I invite You All to participate on the Forum and watch the magic unfold for You and Everyone.  Also, if you have suggestions for the forum, Feel Free to send them in.  Maybe there is a specific topic you wish to see and discuss?
I Am Here For You.  The Greatest Joy in my life is The Joy In You.  When your prayers are answered, so are mine, and when you are happy, so am I.  There is Now a forum for Our True Selves to Show Up.  I Love You and I look forward to seeing You there.  May We All experience many shared synchronistic events, and The Divine Sparks of Love, which Is Us.  Our Love Is The Love of God, and it Is a Divine Flame that cannot be extinguished.


~ We've recently added a new members-only forum for those who have donated to us recently. Those members should see a new link named "Forum" in the top menu bar. If you've donated and are unable to access the forum, pleasecontact us. If you're interested in becoming a member, you can donate here. We ask for at least $5 USD for a month's worth of access, and $25 USD for a year~
