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jen2le's picture

I just watched the movie Warm Bodies.  It was a somewhat humorous tale of a zombie falling in love with a girl and becoming human again.  At the end of the movie, I had an epiphany and thought I'd share.  I'm sure many have realized this already...but it was new for me. :)

The fascination with all things Zombie and the Undead (Vampires), stems from the fact that that is what we are ...Zombies...until we awaken to our True Selves.  We go through life as zombies, unaware of the immense and transcendent spiritual beings that we truly are...until something may happen, or an inward reflection takes us on an amazing journey of transformation, of realization...of wakefulness, of becoming truly alive.

Peace to you all


Vinshero's picture
i so agree on your thoughts..

i so agree on your thoughts...

my own thoughts was that zombies and vampires are a manifestation of our civilizations fears and inner demons, we thought there was gonna be a zombie apocalypse, the apocalypse came but it wasnt a zombie one, instead it was apocalypse about the truth of it all.

lauriergg's picture
I agree with both your thoughts

Beside zombies being unawake consumers and the manifestation of civilization fears, it is also ascenion can come from divine expansion through the chakras and for some of us starting from 7 and going to 1st.  It seemed for a long time that the collective was in 3rd (big fears) then 2nd (persecution issues) and now it seems the collective has dropped into 1st (survial and then the other side of that: self love issues) So many movies and TV series seem to be about scary zombies and aliens.  Interesting. laurie

Jazzy67's picture
I agree with you guys too

How amazing was it in the scene when they were leaving the airport & He was wondering & wishing to be Human again, it panned out to all the people & they had their heads down on there Mobiles,  Every single one of the people LOL  Now that was the Film makers way of saying That WE are zombies...  well most of us aren't but the most of the populous is...    

ParadoxMind's picture
i've always seen modern

i've always seen modern zombies as springing from a need for a mass-antagonist role one could guiltlessly destroy in storytelling such as movies and video games. i choose to refrain from speak to their folklore origins, citing very little exposure with such stories.

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