Public Discussion

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No One Else Will Save You.

Wolf Hongo's picture

Between my phone being terrible at everything, and my constantly forgetting my log in password I've been unable to
One: catch up on postings
Two: To respond to them as I would like to.

While I am in a state of remembering and connected to a reliable source.... Not that source, I mean an internet connection, I'd like to make a note on how much better, and less inactivity based this site has become.


Charging Crystals in the Zolatron aka Arkatron

Zoltar's picture


I have been charging my crystals with glow Pyramid Grid Generators which I charge in the Zolatron. 

The Zolatron has a very different vibration than the crystal due to the nature of the structure, Its spherical. However, it is 

also interdimensional. If anyone knows about the Arkatron (Zolatron) please share. I have some amazing pics but dont quite know where to post them.  Zoltar 


Nightmare or Subconscious message?

AwakeTormentedLovingSoul's picture

I was having a dream that turned into a Nightmare, maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something or has a message. I woke up and wrote all of this down just now.

*Not sure if relevant or not but I woke around 2:30ish am and was asleep since only midnight.


Space travel-meditation

agtpix's picture


I just wanted to share what i would like more than anything from this event besides liberation, prosperity for all, but for me personally, i just want to go up in space. You can keep my prosperity package, just take me to space.

A few 6+yrs ago one of my meditations was me floating in meditation pose through space and had a up close view of Jupiter and the storm eye, except the rings of saturn were orbitting it. I dont know what to make of it still today, but i havent forgotten.



The Ides Of March

Wolf Hongo's picture

Hey there folks, I'm not sure if anyone else here is familiar with the Farsight Institute?
They are an organization that studies many things above most is the study of Remote Viewing.
The institute has what they are saying is to be a HUGE announcement coming up on March 15 2014. The Ides of March is a historically known day as it is when Ceaser was killed after being warned to beware The Ides Of March

They have been releasing various implications in regards to questions and ideas that may stem from whatever the announcement is.



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