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I can heal!!!!!

Sun_'s picture


after my body became a full transparent crystall I have became a full healer finally

I can "make a mirror" of your desease ON ME!!! ON MY BODY!!!! and feel all your pain exactly as you... I even see scars or skin problems on my own skin I just dont believe but I CAN NOW!!!

so far in the past  I was able to just heal headaches or small aches but this one is big deal

people if anyone want to try me I will be real glad to heal


Lorde’s Suppressed Grammy Award acceptance speech (Full Transcript) 26 January 2014

toroncalove's picture Lorde: Thankyou soo much everyone for making this song explode because this world is mental. (Laughter). Planet Earth is run by psychopaths that hide behind slick marketing, ‘freedom’ propaganda and ‘economic growth’ rhetoric,[1] while they construct a global system of corporatized totalitarianism.


my ne "extreme" "sport".... astral travel.....

Sun_'s picture


this is exciting

today I got a nap but I was with my third eye opened and suddenly I "dreamed" what later I confirmed with guides it was astral travel and astral contact with spirits

but is like odd.... I went to my faculty astrally and I saw several reports of me in my boss office, we work all toguether at her office in general, is small but "cozy" and we are wellcome and have our pc to work in her room, is just side by side to the public section


Can I trnslate messagges from here to spanish and post them in another forum?

Sun_'s picture


I am reading tons of usefull information here, I would like to know if I can make my translation of articles from here and post them on a spanish argentinian forum I am in, there is people from all latin america, we are small but powerfull, I will put of course the articles or discussions are from here

I would be greatfull if you allow me to translate.....



OK, my friend sais you may be able to help me on my small confusion

Sun_'s picture


This is gonna sound odd to many but I am a bit confused since october now, I just do not know WERE I am, how can I say, my walkin (I know what I am now that confusion is gone thanksfully) jeanna one of my personalities (I have 3 personalities plus my true me, lucia) she talks, (her name is jeanna a pleiadian a pastl ife) that now we are on a ship, I believe her but I feel her concept of "ship" is different than mines


New here HII!!! and comments on awakening ascention

Sun_'s picture


I am Sun, that is my current name spiritual and I am a former walkin with 4 personalities 1 present the other 3 past lives

recently, my boyfriend and the tall blondes helped me real ascend more and MORE to the body light and the 5th dimension but I am still in progress, thought I am physically already 5d

I was confused many year, with strong energies vortexes around me inside my work place and home


Spiritual Awakening

Sepher's picture

Hello everyone. Many individuals have felt truly blessed to begin a process of spiritual awakening. Some people call it "a shift", some people call it "ascension" some people call it having a "near death experience" or out of body experience or feeling touched by a "light being" or "angel" or other "advanced being" or a "breakthrough".



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