Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ What is truly Important

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Be open to the gifts within

Ask yourself, "What is truly important for me to spend time and energy on.?" Your Angel guidance is to look at your relationships, work, home, family, and the world that is around you. We want to help you understand and heal any imbalances that are occurring in your life. As you heal and release any feelings and thoughts, the more rapidly you manifest your desires.


~Freedom Project~John Ward ~ Exclusive : Euro Banknotes Update : Berlin Printing New Euronotes (X) En Masse, ECB Withdrawing Greek Notes (Y)

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John Ward ~ Exclusive : Euro Banknotes Update : Berlin Printing New Euronotes (X) En Masse, ECB Withdrawing Greek Notes (Y) ~ 18 May 2012


ImageSlog’s Brussels mole clears up the riddle

“must mean Greek euroexit now seen as near-certainty”

Following this morning’s Slogpost about the dearth of Greek-origin euronotes (Y) and the torrent of new German versions (X) across the EU at the moment, I have been in contact with my regular Brussels informant. Since appearing, the piece that went up this morning has evoked a mass of emails to my Slog address, all of which have enabled further quantification of the fact that German notes are dominating supplies at the minute, while Greek versions are disappearing fast.


The Commission mole has ‘confirmed’ that the process is designed to ensure minimal numbers of ‘Y’ designated Greek notes are in circulation, in order to reduce refusal to accept them outside Greece to a bare minimum “as and when the Greeks exit the eurozone”.

Tila Tequila: Now is the time to WAKE UP ~ I Can Finally Breathe Again

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Tila Tequila: Now is the time to WAKE UP ~ I Can Finally Breathe Again

Posted by Wes Annac

Commentary from Wes Annac: The celebrity may be considered by some as controversial, but the awakening is very clear by her posts.

We’ve been told that many celebrities have been a subject to the Illuminati’s dark rituals, and that many are now and have been awakening. I think it is safe to say that Tila is beginning to become a testament to that. 

Spread this Far and Wide!!


Laura ~ TAUK with God ~ 18 May 2012 ~ In Order to Enlighten Others you Must Truly be Enlightened Yourself

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Laura ~ TAUK with God ~ 18 May 2012 ~ In Order to Enlighten Others you Must Truly be Enlightened Yourself


Today I wished to speak on expectations. Expectations and hope are two different things, dear friends in light. On your planet, many confuse these two terms, so I ask you, please not to have any expectations in the coming days and months.


Many among you live in hope for a better material life, yet they refuse to see their own part to play in the game at this early stage. Many of you are giving up your responsibilities towards your loved ones, in order to indulge in what you expect is the right thing for you to do at this time. Often many of you are being mislead regarding your role here at this time, so do not forget your responsibilities and your life contract here at this time. Please question what you have held as true so far in permanence, everything changes, everything is in constant movement.


MAY 18 Affirming Our Identity

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MAY 18 Affirming Our Identity



by GLR Yojman


During this eventful weekend it would be the better

part of Wisdom that I sustain a rhythmic return of my mental activity and feeling to that which is my
own knowing and Joy to thoughts of my Truer more Centered Identity. So I thought I
would share one here.

The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 2

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The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 2

2012 May 18
by Steve Beckow

Having described the Transition generally, Archangel Michael goes on to discuss how we may feel this month and the changes we may expect.


“What kind of changes might you experience? Well, there are physical things that people are experiencing. There are headaches, severe headaches I might add, and this is also because there are portions of your brain that are being ignited, activated, brought to the forefront, that the human beings have never used before. Now they were intended to be used but they haven’t been.


The 2012S Interview: Cobra ~ Part 1/2

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The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 1/2

2012 May 18
Posted by Stephen Cook

While we often know the name, face, gender and other more personal details about many of those we post here and who you regularly enjoy reading – or at least who their earthly channel is – one of this year’s newest and intriguing “informants” remains a total enigma.


Since launching the blog Portal 2012 – which is subtitled The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light in 2012 – on March 31 this year, the person who identifies his or her self only as Cobra has made quite an impact.


~Space Weather Update~ Glancing Blow CME Arriving~

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INCOMING CME? A coronal mass ejection (CME) that flew off the sun's western limb on May 17th might hit Earth after all. NOAA forecasters say a shock wave from the blast could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 18th or 19th. The CME, pictured below, was propelled by an M5-class solar flare from departing sunspot AR1476.



The speckles in the movie are caused by energetic protons hitting the observatory's detector. Those protons may have been accelerated in part by the shock wave en route to Earth.

According to NOAA, there is a 40% chance of minor geomagnetic storms and a 15% chance of strong storms when the shock arrives. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. CME alerts: text, phone.


The Incubation within the Merging of Past and Future Energy! by Lisa

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Are these days getting intense in the emotional field or what?  It seems the emotional field is running the gamut, from intense highs in some people to crashing lows in others and everything in between.  It seems these days are equally as unpredictable as well, at least in reading the field!

I was so hoping for more juicy tidbits of what is to come yesterday, but instead what it feels like is the field is in the “locking and loading” position.

Mechanics of Law of Belief - Earth Keeper Newsletter

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Earth Keeper Newsletter | May 18 2012

Mechanics of Law of Belief

Greetings Masters !! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love.

In this gathering, we discuss a fine aspect of Conscious Creation, the Law and mechanics of manifestation. We speak of the Bio-Crystal Stargate computer: the Pineal.

The Pineal

Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the ‘Seat of the Soul’.


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