Healing Earth News: Building A Life Around Passion For Our Rain Forests

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(editor's note: It started with collecting lunch money from her school friends, now Beth Doane is a passionate rain forest advocate. Not only finding ways to protect the rain forest ecosystems, but also to improve working conditions for the local population. What have you taken on today?

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



Get inspired: Passionate rain forest activist Beth Doane


Healing Remedies: Go Play In The Sun!

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(editor's note: Sunlight is good for you. Most people agree with this; but there is still a group of people who have been "told" by their ever-trusty government agencies that the sun is bad for you. It gives you skin cancer, slather these chemicals into your skin for protection, don't go near the light!

As with all other areas of our lives, when the curtains of illusion fade away, we see the depth of all the lies we've been fed in an effort to keep us in our place. Today I bring you an article that (finally) reveals the harmful effects of those sunscreen chemicals.

Our place is not trapped inside working a meaningless job, too tired at the end of the day to do much more than grab some non-nutritive food and watch the news until we pass out from fatigue.

Jamye Price – The Energies Of May – 8 May 2012

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Jamye Price – The Energies Of May – 8 May 2012

Posted on May 8, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

May is the energy of relationship.  It is the request, the honoring, the answer.  May I?  Relationship is a constant in life, for humans are give/receive mechanisms, a physical experience of form, movement, interaction and change.  Your vehicle of change is perspective and choice.  Perspective is the taking in of information (how it mingles within) and choice is the giving out of information.  You inform The Field through your vibratory instruction.  What you emit is your choice.

Heavenletter #4183 God's Highest Creation

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Heavenletter #4183 God's Highest Creation, May 8, 2012 

God said: 


From the very foundation of Creation you arose. And what is the foundation of Creation? What can it be but love? What else could create and create so magnificently? Just think of it! I created the Sun, and the Moon, and the Stars, and I created you, My Highest Creation. The beautiful planets are given a route to take. They are set in place and follow their orbits. They are magnificent, no doubt about that.

Yet what was given to you that nothing else on Earth has is free choice. You are not locked in place. You have the freedom to go where you will. You can turn yourself upside-down if you will.

Benjamin Fulford 5-8-12…”The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals”

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Benjamin Fulford 5-8-12…”The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals”

Posted on May 7, 2012 

My only “add-on” to this is that Benjamin has confirmed that “the Drake” is real, more precisely, “Neil Keenan confirms that Drake is a genuine US military person authorized to speak within limited parameters.” That is my “add-on” for today. Read on.

The White Hats Report #41 – 8 May 2012

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The White Hats Report #41 – 8 May 2012

Posted on May 8, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos

Truth That Dared To Speak Its Name

On the 16th of February, 2012, in the House of Lords, one courageous man, akin to Churchill attempting alone to warn of the Nazis threat to peace, Lord James of Blackheath, showed the vision, integrity, and fortitude to stand up, be counted, and expose to the House of Lords, the stark evidence of Global Fraud, which he so eloquently stated “there may have been a massive piece of money-laundering committed by a major Government who should know better.”   Also, in his words, “a major American department has an agency which has gone rogue.”  This is a scam of major size and a key to the recovery of the money needed to immediately boost America’s economy, stabilize the EU and fund the Global Settlements.

Lee-Anne Peters – Holding Your Centre During A Drama Storm!

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Lee-Anne Peters – Holding Your Centre During A Drama Storm! – 8 May 2012

Posted on May 8, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Being caught in the drama, or in the storm in our lives can be an everyday occurrence for many people.  Either pulled in by others or maybe even creating the drama ourselves (often unknowingly) can have tension strong, stresses high and sometimes communications running extremes – from excessive negative verbal attacks to no words said at all – the silence treatment comes to mind. Usually during the silence treatment our minds are so active with negative thoughts, assumptions and attacks, that it really can affect people around us and ourselves.

The Grail and the Alpha-Omega Part II

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The Grail and the Alpha-Omega



by Gary Osborn

Copyright © Gary Osborn 2006. All Rights Reserved

It's interesting that in the cosmology of Norse mythology, the Void is known as Ginnungagap – meaning ‘Yawning gap’, ‘beginning gap’; ‘gap with magical potential’; ‘mighty gap’ . . . the ‘blackhole’ from which everything has emerged and to which everything will return in the end.

Keeping the above in mind in regard to this gateway or portal being the node point which is crossed over twice every cycle,Ginnungagap, or the Gap Ginnunga – being a ‘gap’ between the worlds – is the ‘seeming emptiness’ – again, the ‘Primordial Void’ or Abyss, separating the opposites known as Niflheim the land of eternal ice and snow (corresponding with the feminine energy or principle) and Muspelheim, the land of eternal heat and flame (corresponding with masculine energy/principle).

There are many names and terms for the Void:

Enchanted Rock: Ascension Portal in Texas

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Enchanted Rock: Ascension Portal in Texas


In the southwest 'hillcountry' region of Texas, lies the powerful and sacred dome of Enchanted Rock. Visible for miles around, the impressive dome rises 1850 feet above sea level, some 450 feet vertically above base. Revered by the plains Indians for centuries, it spirals a potent electrical vortex. It is called the Ayers Rock of America. Enchanted Rock is indeed one of the most powerful points in the southwest, and holds a special relationship to Sedona, and indeed, Ayers Rock. The hillcountry region is in itself a very unique area in the 'heart' of south central Texas.


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