Peace, harmony, and abundance are about to occur ~ no ifs, ands, or buts!

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Peace, harmony, and abundance are about to occur ~ no ifs, ands, or buts!


05~02~2012 by GLR~ John Smallman


 Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine~Rainbow Miracle's



It does seem to some of you that you have been waiting an interminable amount of time for your awakening, and this is mainly because time seems to pass so slowly when you live in enthusiastic expectation of an event that you know will bring you all amazing happiness, the like of which has never before been experienced on Earth.  And your expectations are absolutely valid.  There will be no disappointments because what God delivers is always way beyond expectations!  And He will deliver.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~1~12 The Tide's Have Turned, Welcome to The Exciting Events of May~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~1~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Tide's Have Turned, Welcome to The Exciting Events of May~


Thanks to Kevin Lahey


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Exciting Month of Light filled May, exciting events are already unfolding and we have Only Just Begun. We have shared this Was Love's Year and Today we Will Share this Will Be Love's Month. We have Some Wonderful Synchronostic Alignments and Events this Month, which will continue into June. First We Arrive at the First SuperMoon of this Year which is In Scorpio, where we will be holding focused Light for Planetwide Liberation. Scorpio holds deep transformational Energy. Then We have a Powerful Eclipse aligned with Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fugi and the Pleiadan Star System, bringing forth the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies into Complete Grounded Manifestation. These Alignments will Assist us Energetically, into Bringing into Manifestation our Divinely Decreed Events.


♥ Saint Germain, Mount Shasta: A portal to Planet Venus and a future City of Light ♥

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Welcome to the Dispensation of the Rose Pink Ray to the Earth, the Return of the Divine Mother's Presence, the Path of the Heart, the I AM Presence, and the Soul.This official Dispensation truly offers a deep understanding of the Soul and its evolution; the highest evolution being the Radiant Rose Soul.

Sheldan Nidle ~ Update~ The Galactic Federation ~ 1 May 2012 Big Strides have Been Made Towards Events

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Sheldan Nidle ~ Update~ The Galactic Federation ~ 1 May 2012 Big Strides have Been Made Towards Events


1 Kimi, 19 Kank’in, 8 Manik


Dratzo! We return! Your realm continues to exhibit much turmoil. The dark cabal’s agents are being watched closely as agencies of various major governments prepare to arrest and then prosecute droves of prominent people in government and finance, and across the board in the private sector of their respective economies. This process is getting to a point where you can shortly expect the start of an immense cycle of arrests. The dark tried hard to sweep this process under the rug but was unable to do so. A series of far-reaching liens has been formally pressed on many central and private banks that in the past flaunted the epithet “too big to fail.” These financial-services corporations readily and repeatedly violated many laws designed to police international commerce, the worst offender being the US Federal Reserve Bank. This private enterprise has been the ringleader of many notorious schemes which threatened the very foundation of your world’s well being. This is why this particular institution is being dismantled first, to be followed in rapid succession by a landslide of fellow conspirators.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-01-2012 – Wind's blowing

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-01-2012 

Wind's blowing~




Wind is today’s topic!

With all that it might bring with it.

Rain, hail, tornadoes (in the most unexpected places-we said cleaning IS Global), floodings and lightenings, which actually had a very High impact in India.



The Sun had some C flaires Wind is at 443Km/s

Updated 5/1/2012 @ 17:10 UTC

Solar Update

My pleadian Brothers and Sister, it's time to wake up!

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Remember who you are to this world and universe my brothers and sisters, we all came willing to become help and guides to the ones that have forgotten there true divine objective within there souls and hearts. In this time of change it is easy to fear what we cant understand but the beauty of life is change! It's very easy to go off track of your mission on this plane of existence that have we created for ourselves but you need to understand that this is a time of becoming of ones inner trueself and awareness that is waiting to be released in all of you on this planet of love and true beauty.



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