4/16/2012 -- Midwest storms developing KS CO OK -- also TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, GA, SC, NC, VA

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South USA -- Texas (south texas ).. moving northeast from Brownsville .. south of Houston out to sea... will come back ashore at some point NE of Houston.. most likely a bit west of New Orleans..... Then will be moving NE through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South/North Carolina , and possibly the panhandle north portion of Florida.

Central USA -- midwest -- Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma border region .. damaging winds, strong cell thunderstorms popping up.. moving ENE from that tri-state border region in SW Kansas/SE Colorado/NW Oklahoma.

West Coast USA -- strong cell thunderstorms are coming ashore with the next low pressure system (our next big weather maker).

Ascension Energies Increase April 15, 2012: Polarity-Integration (Fixed-Star Regulus Moves To Virgo)

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The "Heart of The Lion" moves from Leo to Virgo in the middle of April 2012, which will increase the frequency and power of the polarity-integration Ascension energies now active on our planet.

This clip is from the show "New Realities with Alan Steinfeld"


~Your Next Big Leap in 2012~

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 Original PostWednesday, 7 March, 2012  


Understanding Your Role & How to Help

Change is in the air. It's personal to you, and it's also much bigger than you because it impacts the whole of humanity and the Earth.  The magnitude of change you've been adapting to is about to shift again. Get ready for some brand-new energy, coming in over the next month as another level of acceleration arrives.


Benjamin Fulford ”It is time to take the ring of power to mount doom”

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Benjamin Fulford 4-16-12…”It is time to take the ring of power to mount doom”

Posted on April 16, 2012

This news report from Ben has breaking news from all over the planet. As is apparent from other sources (David Wilcock, the Drake, et al.), the pots all over this world have been stirred and are being stirred to bring the cabalists out, and to be sure they are contained. He reports that arrests of these people are being made. No vacation in the Bahamas for them!


Highlights Commentary from

Blood Of The Earth...... Lets Together End this Suffering~

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Blood Of The Earth......


Mandala of Unity

Burst into singing all ye lands,

for the time of awakening is here.


 By GLR~Julie Redstone


The blood of the Earth is not only shed when trees are cut down or forests are burned or the air is contaminated by fossil fuels, preventing plants and animals from breathing and developing normally. The blood of the Earth is also shed when human blood is spilled upon her sacred ground. For each living body that exists upon the Earth is part of her Body; each is part of the living Whole.

The blood of the Earth weeps with tears of pain as if to say: “How can this be done to me? How can this be done to each other? How can the life that is One and that is whole be mutilated and destroyed in this fashion?


The Winds Blow Hard These Days by M.N. Hopkins

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Monday, April 16, 2012


The Winds Blow Hard These Days by M.N. Hopkins


Yes, the winds of change blow against the structures of old so as to level them to be replaced by new less restrictive and freedom limiting structures.

For the winds of change have increased in intensity and the old bends now under the pressure of this new breathe of life.

Yes, it is a breathing, living creation that enters your world of Man.

No longer shall a few rule the many as of before.

Now, it is the co-operation of the co-worker.  Together building new structures that give and maintain hope and allow the goodness in men and women to come forth from the abyss into the Light of Day.

Jennifer Hoffman ~ Message From Archangel Uriel ~ Heal Your Energetic Space ~ 16 April 2012

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Jennifer Hoffman ~ Message From Archangel Uriel ~ Heal Your Energetic Space ~ 16 April 2012

Each of you lives in an energetic space that is at the vibration and frequency of your lessons and healing journey. Within this space you attract the situations and people who have two missions. The first is to connect with you at the energetic level of your healing. The second mission is to hold this energy until your healing is complete. While you may blame others for blocking the flow of energy in your life, they are merely part of your healing journey, holding energy for you to complete your healing cycle. This is their commitment to you and they will do whatever they can to maintain it, until your healing is complete.


The soul contract you embody is one of healing and transformation. Its accomplishment is the greatest journey you have ever undertaken, the single purpose of this and of all lifetimes. This is your life purpose and the life purpose of all of humanity. When you allow healing to occur you clear the energetic space that others hold for you and release you and them from that energetic frequency. But without your conscious recognition of this contract, the desire and intention to heal and the action required for healing to occur, you feel stuck and you are, for you are in an energetic space that will not be released until you complete the healing you have promised to do.


Oracle Report ~ Monday April 16 2012 What Seemed Lost?

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Oracle Report ~ Monday April 16 2012 What Seemed Lost?

Posted on


April 16, 2012

by Gillian

Oracle Report | Third Quarter Moon Phase

On Friday I talked about opportunities “blowing” in from Spirit. This theme continues today, with the added element of re-vitalizing something that seemed lost. What seems lost? Is it something about you – your confidence, strength, decisiveness, judgment, access to your grander self and your potential, sense of adventure, hope, or your sense of self?


~Space Weather Update~ Something in the Offing

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SOMETHING IN THE OFFING: A potentially significant active region is about to rotate onto the Earthside of the sun. A hot plume of plasma flying over the sun's northeastern limb heralded its approach during the early hours of April 15th:



Extreme UV image credit: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory

The eruption hurled a coronal mass ejection toward NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have prepared a forecast track showing the progress of the cloud. No planets are in the line of fire.


Stay tuned for updates as the sun turns to reveal the active region in the days ahead. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.




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