Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 10 2012

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 10 2012

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April 10, 2012

by Gillian

Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase

We have exceptionally complex energy today. The lion is pictured above because the main thing to remember today is to protect yourself. This means we may need to assert ourselves or defend ourselves and our space (personal, professional, etc.).


People are going to try to dominate today. The Sun is conjunct Eris at the degree where Eris was first sighted. In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess who threw the Apple of Discord at Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, eventually leading to the Trojan War. Eris challenged them to see the superficiality of their value of personal beauty by asking who was the fairest of all. Discordant energies conflict and can erupt into war and power games (led mostly by women).

Visionkeeper ~ Soon The Craziness Will End ~ 10 April 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ Soon The Craziness Will End ~ 10 April 2012


(picture by


For so long now we have held on and worked hard to change ourselves so we could change the world. Hold on tight for it seems that change is drawing near. Our dream of freedom may be just around the next bend in the road. At times we have all faltered and began to doubt that maybe this freedom is all just an illusion as well. This past week has been one of struggle for many, as energies began to radically shift and shake us all deeply within. I think just about everyone could feel something was in the making. For those who are still trapped in the illusion they had fears of what the dark ones would do next, rumors spread like wildfire of all the evils the were cooking up. For the awakened ones it was exhausting energetically yet exciting, for they knew the birthing was in process and the end was near. Soon ‘one world’ will be born and love will rule the planet.


~Space Weather Update~ Blank Sun~ WInd Speed 356

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STORM CLOUD MISSES EARTH: A coronal mass ejection (CME) expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on April 9th seems to have missed. No signatures of an impact are evident in solar wind data. NOAA has downgraded the odds of a geomagnetic storm today to no more than 10%.


LAST AURORAS OF THE ARCTIC SEASON? These days, whenever Arctic sky watchers see the aurora borealis, they inevitably wonder if that was it--the last display until autumn. Spring has sprung and soon the midnight sun will overwhelm the Northern Lights. This photo taken April 9th in Blokken, Norway, illustrates the problem:



"At midnight there was lots of light from the sunset," says photographer Frank Olsen. "And just an hour after this, the sunrise made the the horizon quite bright. These are probably our last auroras this season."


Famous last words? An incoming solar wind stream could trigger one more display this week before the midnight sun takes over. Aurora alerts: text, phone.

Saul: Be Prepared for Mighty Life-Altering Events to Happen

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Saul: Be Prepared for Mighty Life-Altering Events to Happen



by GLR  John Smallman

April 8, 2012

Heaven’s intent for humanity is leading you all forwards towards this supremely auspicious event that will bring with it joy, happiness, peace, and prosperous abundance for all; and that event is, of course, your awakening into your natural and fully-conscious state.

Michael by Ron Head… “You truly are the change makers here”

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4-9-12, Michael by GLR Ron Head… “You truly are the change makers here”


We feel, this morning, your need to better understand the emerging changes that are occurring. Many are asking, “Yes, but when? When?”

You have relied only upon you’re your five physical senses for so long that you do not perceive the change as strongly as you might. And you are being given very little to go on other than our messages. The reports you do see are not coming from sources that are ‘accepted’ by most of society. This, however, does not mean they are not true. Several of these sources are reporting information that is largely correct and they are doing their best to be truthful and accurate. Since they only report what they receive from ‘real’ sources, they are also dealing with a restricted supply of information and must sort out a great deal of misinformation. That is fine. Again we tell you we are not a news service. Our messages are meant to inspire and encourage you. They are also serving to change the dynamic of your collective consciousness.

Heavenletter #4155 What You Learn in Life

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Heavenletter #4155 What You Learn in Life, April 10, 2012 

God said: 


Look, it's okay that you make mistakes. Of course, you make mistakes. You are groping your way in life and often wear a blindfold. Only afterwards does the blindfold come off, and you see. Be glad that you see now. You are past a particular mistake now. You simply don't know everything. And sometimes you are not thinking. The thing is you think now, and now you are aware. Hurray. Be happy. Applaud yourself for learning. What are regrets but that you have learned something? Fantastic!

The movie you are in now is not finished. The movie is in process, and there are retakes. This movie of life gives you opportunity to try again in another scene. Isn't that wonderful?

Tolec and the Last Undersea Base

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The Breakdown:

2,000 reptilian warrior/soldiers, all high ranking officers.

5,000 support staff working in various operations of this extensive base.

3,000 combined ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati’ top key officials, middle management, administrators, and lower-end soldiers. 2,000 of these 3,000 were genetically blended and created Reptilian/Human hybrids.

Of the many other reptilian officials we captured – 50 were top key ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati’ reptilian/human hybrid Officials; and 100 were key ‘Cabal’ – ‘Illuminati’ reptilian/human hybrid administrators.

I want to be clear here: these individuals are ALL PART of the Reptilian caste system that have been living underground or in undersea bases. Even the reptilian/human hybrids. This was the last operational undersea base complex. These people, even the reptilians that look human…are not part of: Earth Human society.
2,000 combined of the above have been captured, have been transported, and are being held in high security lock-down on the Andromeda Council primary biosphere. And will all be tried by the criminal justice court system of the Andromeda Council. Again, understand, these are not Earth humans, but rather genetically created reptilian/human cross hybrids.
8,000, of these reptilian beings, mostly support workers, choose relocation to go through a star gate transported to a planet to the far edge of the Universe. From which they cannot return.

2012 UFO ALIEN INVASION FALSE FLAG : Planetary Grid System & Ley Lines with David Wilcock (Part 18)

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Excerpt from 2012 Event Horizon Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age, by David Wilcock, in which he describes the planetary grid system & ley line science.

Full Lecture



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