GFP Newsletter - 11/25/2020

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I am not giving you the Ten Commandments, I am not giving you detailed information on how to live, because I believe in the individual and the individual's dignity and his freedom. I am sharing my vision -- that is my joy -- but it is not being shared in order that you should try to live up to it.


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 25, 2020

Stillness holds the gifts of alignment, of integration, and is a reset point before movement resumes. It is the pause between the in breath and the out breath, a place of wisdom from where you can consider your next highest choice, a point of balance and potential. It is a magical, rejuvenative space that is always there for you to access whenever you choose, that acts as a portal to so much more. It is not designed for you to stay there forever, but rather a tool that allows you to connect to the energies of Home in order to receive any assistance you may require for your journey forward. It is one of the most empowering supports you have as an enlightening human being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/24/2020

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I live in the moment, and whatsoever I am saying right now is true only for this moment. I have no reference with my past, and I don't think of the future at all. So my statements are atomic; they are not part of a system. And you can make a dead institution only when a philosophy is very systematic, when there are no more flaws, when no fault can be found, when all doubts are solved, all questions dissolved, and you are given a ready-made answer to everything in life.

I am so inconsistent that it is impossible to create a dead institution around me, because a dead institution will need the infrastructure of a dead philosophy. I am not teaching you any doctrine, I am not giving you any principles; on the contrary, I am trying to take away all the philosophies that you have carried all along. I am destroying your ideologies, creeds, cults, dogmas, and I am not replacing them with anything else. My process is of pure deconditioning. I am not trying to recondition you. I will leave you open.


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Lighting The Path

As the vibration of your planet changes and the frequency rises, it is important to remember that some may be on board with the process.  Change is inevitable and challenging for those stuck in old patterns and ways of being.  Please remember that it is not your place to judge them or lecture the merits of change.

Be who you are; a guide, supporter and a beacon lighting the path, sending The Universe’s unconditional love to those who have never experienced it before.  It may take a while for the sleepers to find their way but, eventually, they will awaken and need your help. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 24, 2020

Many enlightening human beings may find themselves either changing their service path or stepping into a service role for their first time. This is a very exciting thing! You will feel very passionate about the purpose that is calling you.

What is important to remember is that each service path is as individual as the enlightenment journey itself. What is aligned as a service offering for one may not be what is meant for another to do. This is designed to provide a vast and varied amount of support for the whole as well as opportunities for many different ways to experience and express the soul’s purpose.

GFP Newsletter - 11/23/2020

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People always misunderstand. While the Master is alive, they will not come to him, because while the Master is alive, they cannot be allowed to misunderstand. They will come to him only when he is no longer there, because a dead Master can be controlled, manipulated.


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Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening.

As governments worldwide are enforcing or attempting to enforce a new lock-down on their citizens, fear and anger is intensifying.  This is a very natural result when people feel that the ways in which they live their lives are no longer allowed to be self-determined but will, instead, be decided by various government organizations that ‘claim’ to be doing so purely for the benefit of their citizens.  These sensations are extremely unsettling because they disturb the “status quo” to which most people had become accustomed, the ‘relatively’ unchanging circumstances of their daily lives.  Change is, of course, constant, nevertheless, people resist it unless the circumstances of their lives are experienced as unacceptable, but it often remains unseen because most people follow regular daily routines which confirm for them the sense that change is not occurring.

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 23, 2020

When you are navigating times of energetic intensity and you are feeling discomfort, it can be helpful to ask the following questions.

“Is what I’m feeling mine or the energy of the collective?”

“If it is mine, what love and support can I give the part of me that is feeling the discomfort?”

“If it is the collective’s, what energy might I send or anchor to assist?”

And finally, one of the most important questions you can ask as you explore any situation, “Am I in my head or in my heart?”

You will recognize, more and more, that being in alignment with the wisdom of your heart is the way to move with the energies as comfortably and efficiently as possible, and from there the highest outcomes can always be discovered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/22/2020

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Every institution is bound to be dead, only a man is alive. No institutions are ever alive.

How can an institution be alive? By its very nature, it is going to be dead.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 22, 2020

One of the energetic fine-tunings that may be up for you in the remainder of this year is exploring and releasing any ways you may still feel your beingness isn’t enough.

One of the most consequential shifts between 2019 and 2021 is shifting from doing to being, from martyred service to joyful service, from duty to heart led preference. One of the main purposes of 2020 has been to explore any ways you have been in resistance to yourself, your own energetics, or your own unique service path, and begin to work with inspired flow.

We wish to remind you that your growth is your service, your energetics serve the whole, and your self expression from an authentic place of soul alignment is what blazes new trails. From that perspective you can see that beingness in no way equals laziness! Allowing these higher vibrational truths to replace the old 3D models of societal conditioning and the glorification of busyness will serve you well as you step up into the energies of 2021 and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/21/2020

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Gautam the Buddha -- one of the most beautiful men who has ever walked on the earth -- was very concerned that no religion should arise when he left the world, that he should not be worshipped, that statues of him should not be made. He emphasized it again and again his whole life. Forty-two years of constant sermonizing to people, that "There is no need to worship me," brought about just the opposite result. The more he emphasized "Don't worship me," the more people felt "This is the man to be worshipped."


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Your world is constantly changing.  People will come and go from your sphere of co-creation and it may sometimes leave you feeling unwanted or unloved.  The Universe would like you to know this is the furthest thing from the truth.  Each of you is following your own path in your own way.  With any great change, there will be a shift in your awareness, and some may not resonate with you like they once did.  Rather than thinking of this as a negative thing, change the thought. (Smiling) Growth comes in all forms. ~ Creator


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