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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 11, 2020

The act of surrender is not giving up, it is giving Up. It is an incredibly empowered act that fully utilizes the assistance that is available to you. What can you hand over today to be resolved by your loving angels, guides, and helpers? If you pay close attention to your energetics, you will feel a sense of relief the moment you do so. We hope you will hold the space of faith and trust long enough to be led to the solutions you haven’t been able to find for yourself but you know in your heart must exist. It brings us the greatest joy when you allow us to serve you and we are always only a heartfelt request away. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 10/10/2020

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If you can be a participant for a moment, you have known the key, the secret. Then become a participant in everything that you are doing. Walking, don't just do it mechanically, don't just go on watching it -- be it. Dancing, don't do it technically; technique is irrelevant You may be technically correct and yet you will miss the whole joy of it. Dissolve yourself in the dance, become the dance, forget about the dancer.

When such deep unity starts happening in many many phases of your life; when all around you start having such tremendous experiences of disappearance, egolessness, nothingness; when the flower is there and you are not, the rainbow is there and you are not; when the clouds are roaming in the sky both within and without and you are not; when there is utter silence as far as you are concerned; when there is nobody in you, just a pure silence, a virgin silence, undistracted, undisturbed by logic, thought, emotion, feeling, that is the moment of meditation. Mind is gone, and when mind is gone mystery enters.


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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 10, 2020

If there is one thing empaths are very good at, it is identifying what is fair. We invite you to extend that fairness to yourselves, to include yourselves in the flow of love and support that you can so naturally identify as right and needed for others. Unity consciousness is designed to include everyone, even those with service contracts who find it much easier to give than to receive. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 10/9/2020

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Looking at a flower, become the flower, dance around the flower, sing a song. The wind is cool and crisp, the sun is warm, and the flower is in its prime; the flower is dancing in the wind, rejoicing, singing a song, singing alleluia. Participate with it! Drop indifference, objectivity, detachment. Drop all your scientific attitudes. Become a little more fluid, more melting, more merging. Let the flower speak to your heart, let the flower enter your being.

Invite him -- he is a guest! And then you will have some taste of mystery.


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You are always in God’s Presence, because there is nowhere else!

As new information concerning corruption in high places is released into the public domain on a daily basis, people are opening much more readily to the idea that they have been basically asleep and dreaming and that the “shadow side” of the human collective has for eons been working hard to set people against each other by intensifying their sense of the differences between themselves and others, and by persuading them that these differences are bad and can harm them.  Many of you, with numbers increasing daily, are realizing that this divisive way of thinking needs to change, and are becoming aware of the enormous creative possibilities available to you if you will listen carefully and lovingly to one another without preconceived ideas or negative judgments.  An integration of your light and shadow sides needs to occur, individually and within nations, and you are beginning to see this and, by setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are making this happen.  This is a perfect reason to Celebrate!

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As this shift continues, The Universe is gently reminding you to be kind to one another.  Treating another human being kindly takes but a moment and the effects continue long after that moment has passed.  There will always be those that choose to sow division and chaos…that is OK.  Treat them kindly too.  It is especially important for your own sense of peace and well-being. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/8/2020

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The moment you dissect the rose, the beauty disappears. The rose was only an opportunity for the beauty to descend, a receptivity of the earth to the sky, a receptivity of the gross to the subtle.


GFP Newsletter - 10/7/2020

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The experience does not depend on the object, the experience depends on the experiencer, on the quality of experiencing. When the scientist looks at the rose he thinks of colors, chemistry, physics, atoms, electrons, neutrons and whatnot -- except beauty. Beauty does not come into his vision, and that's what the rose is.

To the poet, to the painter, the rose is a totally different experience: the rose is a manifestation of the unknown, of the transcendental, of the secret of life itself. It represents something of the divine, it brings into existence something of the sky, something of faraway stars. It grows on the earth, it is rooted in the earth, but it is not just part of the earth; it contains far more than that. It is not the sum total of its constituent parts. The scientist only comes to know it as a sum total of its constituent parts -- there is nothing more to it -- but the poet starts feeling something plus.


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Find The Love

As you continue to navigate this massive shift, it is important to remember to love one another.  If you find this challenging to accomplish, focus on the Divine Spark that exists in each of you.  The door to peace in your Earth plane existence has always been open, it is time to step through. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 7, 2020

It is very difficult to plan during times of accelerated change. The reason for that is what feels like an energetic match to you now may not be a match at all by the time it arrives for the energies may very well have shifted by then. You are in a time of flux. Do not allow this to frustrate you, but rather see it as proof positive of the time of profound change you are experiencing.

For now, until the energies reach a greater predictability, we encourage you to stay as present as you can. Make your decisions one right now moment at a time. Try to make your plans as close to the actual event as you can to minimize shifting out of the alignment with them. Keep embracing flow and expansion, and allow things the space and freedom to unfold rather than trying to constrain and control.

The unpredictability you are experiencing right now, while it can feel uncomfortable, is honing your skills of presence and flow. Do you see? Even the things that frustrate you have deeper meaning and purpose in your lives, and will serve you well for both your todays and your tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 10/6/2020

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Meditation makes everything undefined. Meditation takes you into the unknown, the uncharted. Meditation takes you slowly slowly into a kind of dissolution where the observer and the observed become one. Now, that is not possible in science. The observer has to be the observer and the observed has to be the observed and a clear-cut distinction has to be maintained continuously.



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