The theme of Trust will run through the month of February. As you build not only greater but new trust in yourself, the world and life itself, the past will rear it's head from time to time so that you can move forward once more. Many of you will revisit past places and relationships where the expansion of trust was challenged for you, rather than nurtured.
This may happen in reality, and you will find yourself making contact with (or being contacted by) people from your past. But for the most part, it will take place in dreams and daydreams, as you filter things through your minds, hearts and energy bodies. This filtering process allows you to identify then heal the bruises some more, so you can move forward with less weight.
~A Lightworker shares their experience of letting go of the old world and embracing the Unknown of Love~
7 February 2012
The difference between the old world and the new is so clear to me that I wonder that no others around me can identify the difference. I have made a complete disconnect from the old world, [ with considerable assistance from the Universe, of course. LOL] and stepped with gusto into the new. I have found that although the old ways continue to tug at my shirttails I cannot bring myself to go back. The thought of having to return to the old ways, the old world is absolutely unacceptable. I refuse!!!!
~ Brilliant Quote from James of Wingmakers~2012 is a single page in the “book” called the Era of Transparency and Expansion.
"Each individual is a portal unto themselves, and this portal is the access point to the interdimensional worlds of the Sovereign Integral, where the human instrument, like a space suit, is finally removed and the individual realizes their true, infinite nature. And in this realization, understands that everyone – EVERYONE ~ is equal in this state, and in this equality we are ONE. The Grand Portal is when humanity stands-up as ONE BEING to this all~encompassing realization and then we transcend the suppression framework and express as Sovereigns.
2012 is a single page in the “book” called the Era of Transparency and Expansion. The life of deception – the era of veils over veils over veils – is dissipating, provided enough people rise up within themselves and honor the Sovereign Integral within by expressing its truth. But to do this, people must become attuned to its consciousness apart from the HMS, and this is the course of action that people must engage in.
Linda shares comments regarding the experience around the Neptune trip and speaks to the growth and clearing among thousands of people. She reminds us that this is a journey of love and to let the love and support from the universe come into our hearts and anchor us.
FULL SNOW MOON: There's a full Moon tonight. According to folklore it is the "Snow Moon," named by Native Americans after the heavy snows of February. In North America, snow has been in short supply, but the white tide is turning in Europe as winter storms sweep across the continent. Wherever you are, enjoy the coldmoonlight.
M-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Departing sunspot AR1410 is growing in size and magnetic complexity as it approaches the sun's northwestern limb. The region is now crackling with solar flares, highlighted by this M1-class eruption on Feb. 6th at 20:01 UT:
~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World~Bridger~
Greetings all, may All be Blessed with the understanding of what we are, may the Love of which we are consume our entire being that our true sleves may present! So Be It!
I Am writing on this topic that is essential to understanding what is going on and our connection to All.
Should I start at the bottom or the top? hmm... I will start with experiencing Life on this planet in our body's. Upon entering in to phsyical manifestation our Souls connect to the Grid, it is from this Grid that our Soul "projects" into phsyical life, or the illusion, we become one with all Life on the Planet and have experienced different levels of Life in the "game" Life on Gaia. In all actuality we are connected to all through the grid, got mass consciousness?
You are to be commended on your work with our Galactic brothers and sisters. Things like this happen and should not deter you from continuing your mission with them and with the Light. One problem that I see here as I have addressed in another comment on a different article is the fact that Lightworkers are turning on lightworkers when in fact they should all be supporting and loving one another. So things don't work out. Why all the snarky attitude?
We as lightworkers need to lose the ego fast. All the storms that came just proved there is a way to go for some. This "I know better than you" attitude has got to go! This could indeed be the reason that the trip was postponed. Postponed mind you, not made up, not fictional regardless what some of our snarkier brothers and sisters have been saying.
The world is a beautiful mirror that is always reflecting yourself back to you. What you see happening in your outer world is a representation (on a deeper level) of what is going on somewhere in your inner world. If you are overflowing with love for your fellow man, vibrating love with every cell in your body, you'll experience people who are feeling this love and their love is reflected back towards you. On the other hand, if all you see in your outer world is disharmony, aggression and fighting, then there must be an inner battle happening deeper inside.
"The world is your mirror and your mind is a magnet. What you perceive in this world is largely a reflection of your own attitudes and beliefs." ~ Michael LeBeuf
Greg Giles ~ Message From Paul Of The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 6 February 2012 We are Here to Make the Decree a Reality~
The shadow is all about the government. Your world is today steeped in a dark conspiracy that involves the taking of your homes, your money, your health, and your freedom, if you can consider what you are experiencing freedom. You all, every one of you, are prisoners in a world of your own creation, although there are different levels of your complicity in it all. Some of you have been willing participants, others forced or threatened, others conned, but all of you have one thing in common, you are all prisoners and you must escape your captors if you ever wish to breathe the sweet air of freedom ever again. And this is the plan.
We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are here and there are others as well, to assist you to free yourselves, but as we have stressed many times we are not here to do your work for you. We are here to make your decree a reality, nothing more and nothing less. What is your decree? Do you wish to go on living a lie such as you are, that you are free and enjoying all the gifts the Creator has bestowed upon you?
Angela Peregoff ~ Think Of February As A Harmonic Field Of Light Generating A New Definition Of Self
Rev. Angela Peregoff | The Week Ahead | Feb 6 2012
The golden opportunities of Higher Destiny on spaceship Earth are knocking if you are in the right place at the right time and in the right state of consciousness this week. Entrance to a greater sense of Self and self truth are potent now as your evolutionary cosmic seeds of consciousness are rooting and streaming into your Earth existence. New ideas from the soul self are ready to plunge you far beyond what you presently perceive. Support is here to augment your newest intelligences. It doesn’t matter if you consciously recognize the newest tools of human form or not; truth is most of us are still in the developmental phase of establishing a relationship with our expanded perceptual flexibility. A little eccentricity and innovation on your part this week though will give the Universe a thumbs-up signal that you are ready to embark upon the time and territory of positive change.
I enjoyed our little gathering last evening. It is good to be able to communicate with you and our friends. I am still such a big part of your life, my dear. People do not die when they live on in the hearts of those who have loved them. My birthday cake, though it was a little premature, was lovely and enjoyed by all.
I was happy to be the bearer of good news. As I explained, it’s the great chessboard of life and all the pieces are being moved into position. We are progressing – do not allow yourselves to be fooled by the propaganda that wants you to believe that all is doom and gloom and that wars are inevitable.