Wes Annac ~ Wes And His Collective Guides~ On Reality And Illusion ~ 6 February 2012
By: Wes Annac, with channeled information from his spiritual guides.
Let us think for a moment about the fundamental nature in which we are all connected, energetically with every aspect of Creation around us. This basic underlying theme has been the foundation of many religions, and is in fact the foundation of the modern ‘New Age’ type of theory. It is easy to simply say, ‘we are all one’ and perhaps for some it is said but not really understood fully or believed, as a cliché.
However, even if this term and what it implies seem for some to be illusory or the fake mental creation of wishful thinkers alone, when understood from an energetic standpoint it becomes abundantly clear that indeed, we are one with everything and everybody around us.
I think we all need to get serious now about what lays ahead for us all. I truly believe that the next six months will be fraught with great change and whatever upheaval sleeping minds wish to create out of fear.
Change is in the air. I can feel it on the hairs standing up on the back of my arms and neck. We have been in training for this time now. It is up to us to walk our talk and step in to guide the lost away from jumping off cliffs. We are needed and we best be ready.
Have we cleared out all we can clear from within and filled the empty spaces with love and compassion? Have we harnessed our raving egos, put them in solitary confinement, allowing them out only when needed? I am hoping the number of people holding love in their hearts has tripled - holding at bay all disasters the elite want so desperately to unleash upon the world.
Is it that I am learning unknown things, have a visionary mind or that my senses are touching other realities in where I can see how things should or are working. Probably all this is because of my insisting way to know how things work.
This morning while remembering a photograph of one of my crazy drawings of the way I perceive how we generate a positive or grander energy or maybe pure energy, and “again”… or maybe a well balanced energy to create better relationships of, … “free negative rough frictions”, to be able to create wonderful things; … that stayed in my mind all this morning, and I have been amazed at how we are able to come up with these things. Maybe this is just because we are having a little help from our friends up there.
As usually do, during the morning, I opened FB and the first thing I read is a post that I shared from another FBF. Here it is what is says:
Beloved children of God, there are those of you who do not yet believe that God's reality is real, who continue to feel based on rational premises, that what is credible and trustworthy is what is connected with the power of science to verify things and with the power of mind to understand them. This perspective, which emphasizes the intellect, has been hard won over many thousands of years, and for many it is not one to be relinquished lightly. And yet there are, today, many more available ways of knowing things than have existed in the past, and many more that bypass the mind entirely. In order to move into the new, such ways must be assimilated and given a home within the heart so that the new reality can have a place in which to reside.
6th February 2012 - I was woken at 12 midnight with words racing round my head and decided to gather together my pen and pad for a transmission. Again the powerful number of eleven is evident. 6=2=1=2 =11. I felt a strong energy drawing very close and could feel my face changing. We sat for a long time like this in peaceful communion and then I took up my pen to write.
As we approach Valentine's Day, Doreen continues working with the Romance Angels Oracle Cards to give readings about relationships, career path, and more. This is a week where you're called to decide clearly what you desire, and really move in the direction of that which brings you joy and passion.
Lucas ~ Steve Beckow Resigns As Author And From Channeling With An Hour With An Angel ~ 6 February 2012
Steve Beckow has decided to resign from writing on his blog except for the Bridge Fund. Further he will not be anymore interviewing Linda Dillon in An Hour With An Angel. He made his decision based on what people were writing. As more people favoured him to stay the decision based on one comment about integrity was why he chose to leave. He thinks he hurt a minority of people and that ways for him as heavy as all in favour for him to stay.
I wish Steve the best as it is his decision. I had sent him an e-mail to get on with it. As in everything you do or say always there will be some people having judgement or criticism or play the drama cards of ego, false promises, integrity, etc.. If everyone resigned on that notice, we would be nowhere. I already have made my point about Oneness and Unity. But if Steve Beckow has given up on himself and has doubts going on. So be it.
I greet you in expanded frequencies of enjoyment, of peace, and the joy of being who you are at this time of the acceleration of the Shift.
As the noise around you accelerates, and this is punctuated, so to speak, by the noise around this channel at this time, as the noise of the holograph increases in the month of February, it is extremely important for you to stay aligned with your truth of your essentiality and your expansiveness in how you flow through the seams of what is shifting, what is being rearranged across all levels of Creation, and all levels of beingness on your planet.
We are all currently undergoing our own personal evolution and it is so important to surround ourselves with people that can guide us.
NOW is a time when humans must unite and work together to finally bridge the gap of the separateness that has gone for so long from Gaia and from Source.
NOW is a time to surround yourself with your fellow light workers – Practise giving, receiving, expressing and guiding eachother. We all have the power within to continue working together as one to bring forward a more awakened consciousness for humanity.
The unity being formed is getting stronger by the day and it is crucial that it remains so.
We are ALL at different levels of consciousness, at different places on our spiritual paths; each of us has our own wonderful unique journey and achievements. All of our differences help to teach each other all that is possible.
Submitted by "M" A Newley Ascended Master~ The Neptune Journey and The Harvest~
Hmmmm, ok now! I have heard that mr Lear got on board the neptune, but how does he know its the neptune?...Remember that this is the time of the harvest and there are many beings harvesting if you will on many different levels and timelines. It is natural that you all want to reach out to your family from the stars, however the only way there, as paradoxical as it may first appear, is through the inner self.
Continue working dilegently through your inner issues, continue loving the parts of that where hithger to unlikable by you, and soon you will look up and much more than your star brothers and sister will be present. But what is really important is that you will be present and that is the key, in the moment you can deal with any issue that comes your way. Many believe that the brothers and sister from other realities are the answere to our problems but this is not truth and carry's with it the subtle but powerful energy of victimhood and low self worth. Many of them are waiting for us to move through these times to the other side because they know that we are Masters...we set up the game.
Many have wondered who the Divine Mother is, yet she is part of all spiritual traditions as a Presence. This video was created as a communication of her Being. See also the sequel "Light of the Presence - God the Mother" -
~A message from Mother Mary about What to Expect in 2012.~
You are moving into the year 2012 as you know it to be. And there is so much "hype" as you say about what 2012 will bring.
Some predict disasters and some predict the end of the world and others predict that it is the year we move into the new earth. And we on this side of the veil wish you to know that you really do have a choice about what you experience.Many of you are starting to have a real understand of the concept that your thoughts produce things as some of your teachers say. And this is the truth of the human experience. When you think about something often enough and with enough emotional attachment, this is what you are most likely to experience in your world.