I am here. I am your friend Rashka. I am so happy to be speaking with you. We have much to discuss this day. Thank you for taking this time for us.
This is indeed an auspicious time in the evolution of your planet and her inhabitants and companions. So much light is being sent from your sun to your planet. So much good will follow with and through the light. You ask for signs of the changes that you can experience, and this event is one such sign. I understand that it can be difficult to wait in patience and faith. Please know that the waiting begins to draw to a close as this earthly series of light infusions begins.
Letting go of everything that is limiting us , all patterns , old habits ...and opening our hearts to this magnificent Divine Intervention in our lives this year 2012 assisting us greatly in birthing the Christ Conciosness and becoming the beautiful Glorious beings of Light that we truly are ♥ so we will assist greatly humanity and this Earth in the New 7th Golden Age ♥ What measures the amount of Divine intervention that we can receive in our lives ? Can the Ascended Masters be visible to us ? why ?
As we advance in our expansion and service as a Group Avatar, we would like to invite each Geo Team Leader and member of our Global Family to re-engage in a more grounded manner as we prepare for one of the most energetically potent years humanity has ever seen. It is more important than ever for us to gather together on the physical plane to enhance our work as a global platform in service to the Divine Plan.
The GEO Light Teams are the perfect avenue for grounded acts of group service that serve to anchor the Divine Blueprint here and NOW. As we've crossed the threshold into 2012, tangibly experiencing greater downloads of cosmic light, we 'remember' that the time to emerge from our chyrsalis as the I AM Avatar Race has finally arrived.
Make no mistake about it, the greatest protection against tyranny and totalitarian empire building already exists in the United States in the form of our founding documents. Those in power wish to ignore or even cancel those documents. If they were to totally succeed, the horrific New world Order would be the reality the controllers have long envisioned, which is why this nation, reborn and reinvigorated is the most important change that can happen for world peace. Oh, how I wish people could see the bigger picture and stop buying into the hot-button issues that are used to divide us. (Judy's video: http://youtu.be/siUqDZLHvyU)
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ HEARTS ~ 25 January 2012
Heavenletter #4079 Published on: January 25, 2012
God said:
How beautiful are My dreams of you. You come before Me as visions I have had. I see you clearly now, yet you do not see yourself. You may not even see yourself as beautiful. What a pity that is, for you are the apple of My eye. It would be good for you to know this, and to know this as true, that you are beautiful, more than beautiful. You are beauty itself.
This has to be true, for you are made in My image. I do not say this lightly.
I wanted to share some random quotes from Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians 2011 winter Solstice The Pleiadian TIMES article. The “nano” or “nanosecond” is a term Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians have used to indicate the ascension years from 1987 through the end of 2012. Everything in bold was done by me to highlight the information and draw attention to it. CME stands for coronal mass ejection.
Power will be THE word for the coming year. 2012 has long been focused on . Ancient cultures and civilizations prophesized about this time. What the year itself would bring, and the gateway that the year represents. This is a turning point for us as a people; however, despite the speed of our time, despite the speed of this coming year, it is a turning point rather than an end point or a clear beginning. We have been in the eye of this storm of evolving consciousness for many years now. And we as simple humans are doing our best to move with the times, move with the challenges that we are offered and given by this planet, by our own people, by ourselves.
With COmmentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow
SaLuSa responds to our disappointment with the the tardiness of the main events. He recognizes how despondent some of us are. He reminds us that the ending is most important and that will be with Ascension.
He says that the audacity and cunning of the Illuminati will amaze even those who know something about their ways. He predicts that freedom will be like a wave of fresh air to us, blowing away the cobwebs.