~“Would You Settle for Happiness?”~

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~“Would You Settle for Happiness?”~



~Grandmothers Speak, January Message through Sharon McErlane~


I’d recently received emails predicting this and warning about that. So many that frankly, I was sick of them. I didn’t want more predictions, but decided I wouldn’t mind a little practical advice. So I went to the Grandmothers.


“Grandmothers,” I said, “we could use something useful and uplifting. The new year has started and people are wary of this year. 2012 and all that,” I said. “If you have a helpful message for us, would you please give it so I can send it out?”


The Grandmothers didn’t say anything at first, but instead showed me the bouquet I’d put together earlier that day. With yellow narcissus and other flowers from the garden, it had an autumnal glow and gracefully branched in all directions. I didn’t know why they were showing it to me and wondered if the bouquet had something to do with my question.


Lucas ~ New Financial Developments~ A New Wind Is Blowing ~ 16 January 2012

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Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ New Financial Developments~ A New Wind Is Blowing ~ 16 January 2012



As we have heard in the news the credit agencies are at it again and did downgrade 9 European countries. The criticism is heard widespread. I think it brings down the crooked system faster. So let them criticise. Let them downgrade.


Also the opportunistic Brits want to make London the world financial centre for trading the chinese Yuan. This is for me a sign that indeed progress is made with the different factions and countries to come to an agreement about a new financial system in which a gold and precious metal and precious stones backed money will be for all to have soon. This will free us from debt and poverty and give us abundance.


In all parts of the world are talks and meetings to  come to coöperation and agreements. Not dividing things but to uniting  is what you see now. Compromises to come to solutions all benefit from is on the increase .  This is the direction is has to go. The old system still is dominating the news but the new is coming true clearly day by day.


~What Can We Expect?~ Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

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~What Can We Expect?~


2012 January 16
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member~ Steve Beckow

I was surprised to receive a number of emails saying that people had not heard from me in three days and wondering if the dark had gotten me. The dark is not going to get me. And it isn’t going to get you either.


Yes, they are not gone completely. But it is safe enough to open our eyes at least and look around us.


In fact I took a weekend off, the first in memory, and just spent some quiet time with my wife.  I may do this every weekend. I’ve been going now for more years than I can remember and asking my wife to put up with it too. The time has arrived to take a few days off a week.


I didn’t know what to do with all that free time.  I’ve forgotten whatever it was I used to do. Relaxing was hard work.

~SaLuSa~1~16~12 Many Have Special Work~ As We Push Ahead with Full Disclosure~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Mike Quinsey~with Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

SaLuSa tells us that the dark ones are no longer in a position to dictate what happens in the world and we are approaching the time when some firm indications of what lies ahead will be manifesting.  He says that those who are awakening to the growing Light may find the shift in beliefs and values all but overwhelming.


He disparages the cover-up of the galactic existence, by dark institutions that claim to be scouring space for the existence of other forms of life when their presence is made known each day in our skies.  He says that the cover-up hides the fact that many offers to assist us have been refused. He reveals that the galactics don’t want to be seen to force themselves upon us. He says that the galactics are allowed to respond when the majority of us are in favor of their initiatives. 


He counsels us to continue preparing for Ascension without let up. We must take the rising vibrations into ourselves. By year’s end a critical mass will have built up that will carry us through the stargate (this is the first time I’ve heard him use that particular description).

~1~16~12~ Space Weather Update~ Significant CME~ C6~ then C5~ Wind Speed 440~

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PHOBOS-GRUNT DESTROYED: According to the Russian space agency and the U.S. Space Command, the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft re-entered Earth's atmosphere on Jan. 15th shortly before 1 p.m. EST. So far, no photographs of the fireball or other debris have been submitted to spaceweather.com. Initial estimates of the final ground track suggest a re-entry in the south Pacific in the broad vicinity of Australia and New Zealand..


SIGNIFICANT CME: Sunspot complex 1401-1402 erupted this morning, Jan. 16th at approximately 0400 UT, producing a C6-class solar flare and a bright coronal mass ejection. SOHO recorded the expanding cloud:



The CME is not heading toward Earth, at least not directly. It might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 18th. Stay tuned for further analysis of the cloud's trajectory. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


Allendale to Tots: Message to the Light Workers Awake and Asleep ~1/15/12

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Allendale to Tots: Message to the Light Workers Awake and Asleep ~1/15/12


January 15th, 2011


[Hello Allendale.] Hi Tots, we would like to give a message out to the good folks who read The Tribe’s blog. [We?] Well, myself and the commanding officers of this ship. [Very good, I am ready.]


Hello to all the fine lads and lasses. This is Allendale, the High Self you know as Anonymous from David Wilcock’s and Kerry Cassiday’s interview. I am here today with the folks who command the GLF ship I am currently on. We would like to address the state of the community you call Earth.


~The Quartz Crystals from Arkansas and the Fusion! ~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


~The Quartz Crystals from Arkansas and the Fusion! ~




Well, today is the 15th of January. A day I had long seen in readings as a “big” day. Activating a lot of things within peoples paths that truly I didn’t and still don’t (at least clearly) understand.

I sat here this morning wondering what to write about… nothing came. For a change I actually have hours then to do a bath meditation. I laid down in the bath, looking for my own self guidance… nothing. Geez! But man oh man, those crystals had a lot to say!!


But before I get to that, I want to share an experience I had last evening while washing dishes.


~Vasanas vs. Fears and Beliefs~

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~Vasanas vs. Fears and Beliefs~

2012 January 15
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow



Donn Smith stated in his video that he could relieve fears in an instant. Another reader writes that he can remove beliefs in an instant. I firmly believe that we can and will speed up the process of flattening vasanas, but I have to add that neither fears nor beliefs are equivalent to vasanas.


I’ve been getting mail on this subject and finally decided to actually write a note on it.


In 1977 I had an out-of-body experience that removed forever the fear of death – instantly.  I’ve written about it a few times and compared it to someone seeing the grass move outside their apartment at night. Whatever it is we fear is moving towards us and our fear grows. Then it leaves the grass and we see that it’s only Kitty and we’re instantly relieved.


Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ January 15 ~ 22, 2012

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Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ January 15 ~ 22, 2012
Galactic Love Reporter: Julie Miller
January 15, 2012

We meet once again and will continue to do so each Sunday for a very long time through this vessel. I am pleased to have this time with all of you and surround each of you with my Light Presence and unyielding love. 
Your spirituality and growth takes on a gradual progression that unifies your existence within Love Energy between you and God. As you grow so does this love and its energy, creating and Infinite Flow of energy that will always join you to God and to the Mother Earth. This flow is not a reward from overnight success; it comes from hard work that is combined of spirituality and personal effort. 



~ War with Iran No Longer Possible ~

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War with Iran No Longer Possible

2012 January 15
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

David Wilcock has written a comprehensive and well-thought out overview of what he aptly describes as “financial tyranny.” His analysis of the “super-entity” that owns most corporations, the fact that derivatives are still being floated after already dooming the international economy, and the size of Illuminati holdings and theft stagger the imagination.

I’m still reading through and digesting the article personally, as time allows. But I did want to comment on one statement, lest new readers particularly feel anxiety over it. David writes:


“Simultaneously, very aggressive and blatant moves are being made to start World War III in the Middle East — with imminent, ever-increasing threats from Israel and the United States to attack Iran.


1/15/2012 -- EARTHQUAKE ALERT -- 6.6M, 6.6M, 6.7M, 6.7M, and a 6.2M FIVE IN A ROW !

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The 6.6 magnitude :


The 6.2 magnitude:


Attempting to get the rest of the feeds… ironically.. USGS is dropping the others…

Simply put… this movement is insane.

Here are a series of links to monitor global seismic information:

Message 84~ Claim Your Gifts

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Message 84

Claim Your Gifts



We are here, streaming energy, offering suggestions and gentle reminders that you are a multidimensional being of great skill with a great desire to serve. These are miraculous, wondrous times. Humans are expanding into their full powerful potential as the multidimensional beings they truly are.

Sharon's Take ~ January 2012 Taking a Stand~

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Sharon's Take ~ January 2012 Taking a Stand


Here we are at the beginning of a grand new year that many of us have been waiting for for a long time. I often get asked what is my take on what will happen in 2012 and so doing a reading of this year has been ongoing for many years. I do think we will see great changes and shifts this year. I don't believe there will be a magical event over a few days that will drastically change the earth and those of us left on it, however a part of me would still like that to happen. When I have asked my guides previously about this they always remind me that when we view events out of space and time they seem to happen very quickly, while we are in them they happen more slowly. Although I do think there has been a quickening where things are happening faster than say, 30 years ago, and sometimes feel too fast for those going through them, I do think things are happening and there is less lag time in our creations in the physical realm as more of us awaken to great possibilities and higher compassion.



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