~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~
Here we are the night before the last Christmas we’ll experience in this setting, with these capabilities.
Next Christmas we’ll be in a setting so different, so unbelievable and yet so fulfilling that Christmas will be our experience year round.
This year we’ve watched the light bombard us and the energies rise on the planet, until the people of numerous countries said, “Enough is enough,” “the 99% must be heard,” and threw off their shackles.
Greeting from the starship Athabantian. I come to you this day representing all aboard this great vessel. We are here in service to you our, sisters and brothers of Earth.
Each of your days now brings you closer to that time of the great transformation. Make your final preparations, the most important of which are your attitude and your spiritual center. Find quiet time to discover who you really are. Get in touch with your essence, a great being of light having an experience in physical form. Know that you volunteered to come at this time and place, whether you are happy with your life here or not.
Greetings, we return this day to provide further insights into the current situation on your planet. As we have said before, and as others have disclosed, there are large numbers of your brothers and sisters from other star systems living among you. (Please note the use of the words, “we” and “us,” in the following message — a further demonstration of the way in which your star sisters and brothers experience the Oneness of all.)
Of course, the hidden language of the esoteric and Exo- political fields is hidden within our messages. These messages can act as keys to unlock hidden and dormant potential within the human vessel. Recognizing these keys is not always necessary to unlock this potential. What is necessary is taking in the energies of these themes with an open mind. Keeping an open mind is a primary prerequisite of learning any subject, and the Exo-political and esoteric fields are, of course, no different.
~The Benefits of Kindness: What We Get and What We Give~
Galactic Love Reporter Jamie Hoang, TinyBuddha, 12-23-2011
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Plato
Ever since elementary school, I have had a built in network of friends, family, and colleagues who make up my rock solid foundation of support.
But recently, I’ve been struggling with being alone and desperate for human interaction—more specifically conversation and affirmation; and conversation that includes affirmation of my creative choices would be the holy grail of friendship.
~Allendale to Tots: A Holiday Message to The Lightworkers~
My Dear Lass, I wish you and yours a very blessed Christmas. [Thank you Allendale. Funny question but are you and yours celebrating Christmas?] That is a good question Tots. We celebrate the All in ourselves. This is a daily celebration of being one with All and the greater good. Not that we don’t have larger days of celebration, in the seriousness of our mission, we do take time to be with our loved ones.
[So should I bring out my inner-Spike and ask how that mission is going?] Aye, you are quite the funny man! The mission is on schedule and I will say this: The light that has been created in the Tribes’ sharing of these messages has profoundly influenced the dark side’s (dis)ability to cause havoc. That is the power in the form of thought.
If you knew how infinitely powerful your thoughts were Lass, you would realize that any struggle you experienced was simply created by a negative thought.
“Lightworker 202: Starseed Signals and Star Races”
(“'Follow the White Rabbit!”)
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix
You probably think you are perusing this writing to learn more about star races. Yet, reading these words begins your path towards a new reality. As the Matrix stressed, “I know why you're here... I know what you’ve been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone and why night after night, you sit by your computer.
Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Name your holiday! For me, this holiday season does not feel very festive. I'm so sorry; but the energy on the planet that I pick up as I sit quietly feels more dark than light. I still look forward to the biggest holiday celebration ever. When it occurs, we will not need a special date. We will feel it, know it, and revel in it. It will be the day when everyone on Mother Earth honors the Divine in each and every one and only tears of joy will be shed. The drama of a planet ruled by greed and ignorance will have finally ended.
ALSO In today's video I mentioned computer problems on my desktop. The system restore seems to have corrected the issue, which apparently was my email program, Thunderbird. This is good news for me. ... I just finished a 2nd video for today - the poem, In the Garden I mentioned in this video. Oh, for laptopanimal, myths, including Santa, may have meaning. To me, they should be taught as allegories that teach ideals.
This is the poem that I mentioned in the earlier video. I wrote it in 1982 at a time when my marriage was falling apart and my world was shifting (sort of like right now). It is included in my book: LIVING GODS ARE HARD TO FIND. Bear in mind that I was still a fundamentalist Christian when I wrote this. :-)