Private TAUK SaLuSa and Settufeut to Me ~ 10 Dec 2011 ~ This Experience of Working with You Brings much Joy and Love to our Hearts.

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Private TAUK SaLuSa and Settufeut to Me ~ 10 Dec 2011 ~ This Experience of Working with You Brings much Joy and Love to our Hearts.


Laura: Good evening SaLuSa and Settufeut. I am very glad that you are both here. I am looking forward to your message as your presences are felt very strongly.


SaLuSa: We wish to remind you all, once more, that we are all one. We are in this together. These are very trying times for all and especially for you, dear friends. We are very glad to be on this adventure with you all. We know of your impatience for definite results, we know that the mind distrusts everything. We wish to remind you today that you all need rest, sleep and to be anchored. We have noticed a very common tendency for you to be sucked in the illusion. Many of you wonder how to become more detached from it.


~Return to Christ: It’s always been this way~

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~Return to Christ: It’s always been this way~



by Galactic Love Reporter Gregory von Haesler on December 9, 2011



commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ He uses Lucifer, we would use illusion or ignorance instead of that. In Fact Will Wrote the Truth about Lucifur and Michael. We will repost. All Our Love Mother and Father God


Note: This is not a “Christian” Work, per say. This is about CHRIST. The real Christ figure, which is misrepresented by “Christianity.” Now, onward. This is about the true return of Christ Energy.



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Christmas 2012 marks the arrival date of Christ Consciousness transforming the minds of all on Earth into a multidimensional consciousness of Divine Freedom. 2012 will bring a magical Christmas where we all awaken to our most magical wishes of a New Earth and a New Man who is manifesting Christ Consciousness within a New Golden Galaxy. The songs contain the magical plan of transformation that Jesus Christ created when he created the Resurrection Formula with Mary Magdalene and the Ascension Portal through the Christ Grids implanted in the Earth through the Cosmic Councils.
We have been given the visionary realities of how the Christ Consciousness has created the Wedding Vows of Eternal Oneness of Heaven and Earth. As Cosmic Consciousness has woven the portal of Christ Light Frequencies through the vortex of angelic rainbow frequencies of ultra violet blue waves transforming our atmosphere and transmutting all into divine atunement that will dazzle us with the crystal light frequencies of Divine Love as we ride through the fiery blasts of our Suns in 2012.

~12~9~11~Lighting Up Your FULL DNA ~

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~12~9~11~Lighting Up Your FULL DNA~


Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas

I am going to start this sharing asking you to open another page as a companion to this one.  (Saves me a lot of re-writing and copy and pasting…smile)

What does our DNA say about us?  It says we are NOT biology at all!  We truly are an electro-magnetic field of Light.  But yet, we treat ourselves as if we are anything and everything EXCEPT energy.

~ Volcano ~ Earthquake Watch Dec 10-14, 2011 ~

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Targeting Coronal Hole(CH487) in the Northern Hemisphere. This Coronal hole covers 6-15° N Latitudes. After analysis I have isolated 6-9° (+- 1°) N Latitude with solar symmetry to earth. Best fit regions for a possible 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake are:

South Of Panama, Costa Rica, Panama, Moro Gulf/ Mindanao Philippines or the Nicobar Islands India Region

Second watch is targeting a new coronal fissure extending 44-47° S latitude and represents a possible risk for a 5.1-5.5 Magnitude in one of these areas:

Off The West Coast of the South Islands New Zealand Region, South Islands New Zealand, Aisen Chile or a possible volcanic eruption in the dangerous Cerro Hudson Volcano

OLR Anomalies this week are:Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Samoa, Tonga, Queensland Australia, Western Australia, South Indian Ocean, Namibia, France, Germany, Japan
Ionospheric anomalies this week are:
Yunnan China, North east India and South West Indonesian regions.

Excellent information websites for solar watchers and researchers
Earthquake Reporting Channel

12~9~11~ Karma ran over my dogma only to be consumed by Grace! ~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member  World ~Bridger~



12~9~11~ Karma ran over my dogma only to be consumed by Grace! ~



For the first time in my life I am content, I have done the inner work, the clearing and cleansing and I now reside in a consciousness of Love everywhere present! I am soo happy about this! everyday it is stronger and there is no turning back now! I have absolutley no inclination to reside anywhere but in this Love, my slate has been wiped clean! The negativity has been transmuted to unconditional Love! WOOHOOO! Karma ran over my dogma only to be consumed by Grace! as Maw and Paw would say YEEEEHAW!!!! 


Love you all so much! 





~ Resting in Inner Conflict ~

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~ Resting in Inner Conflict ~

2011 December 9
~Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

I had my first introduction recently to a situation which I can see will be a recurring one for me in the times ahead.

It came as a result of a working interview that I and a few friends had on Dec. 7 with Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon. The content of the interview is not something I can give but what the interview raised for me is something I can speak about.

It’s somewhat hard to put the difficulty into words, but part of it may become plain by my simply introducing Sanat Kumara to those readers who are unfamiliar with him.

There is a fairly large literature on him because he serves humanity as what is called the “planetary logos” or simply “chief” or “boss.”  One could say that he’s in charge of Ascension.

~Who is One?~

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~Who is One?~



This is RC sharing my light and love for all life as I live my light through love for all life.


The question, “Who am I?” is a question for the ages and the answer is of infinite possibilities.  Each and every soul who exist within this Universe ponders this very deep and heart-felt question, who am I?  This question reflects the entirety of how one expresses one self to be; it reflects who one was, is, and will be, simultaneously.  The infinite answers to this question leave room to expand one’s own awareness, and understanding from individual and universal perspectives.


The true love of one’s self absolutely allows for one to expand upon one’s answer to this question.  The answer that one may have had previously is expanded upon the answer one has now, which ever expands the answer one will have, to this Universal question.

One evolves to understanding one in context to one self, first and foremost, and evolves to the understanding one in context to all others.


2012 Predictions Message ~ The Council of 12: Doorway to a New Start

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2012 Predictions Message ~ The Council of 12: Doorway to a New Start




For thousands of years society has been moving towards the juncture you now face. A grand forgetting took place in previous generations as people forgot their divine nature and moved into fear. A planet without love resulted in a divided world and set the stage for many of the conflicts and crises being experienced today.

The year 2012 will be a notable turning point because of the sheer numbers of people awakening and holding a light-filled focus. This unprecedented rising of the light can make a pivotal difference as humanity moves through some of its greatest challenges. While some people believe that humanity is doomed and about to face its final demise, the rising of the light can bring about a brand-new start. A new type of existence based on love can result from humanity's crisis. That is why you are alive now!

FULL MOON in Gemini Saturday, December 10, 2011, and it is a total Lunar Eclipse!!

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FULL MOON in Gemini Saturday, December 10, 2011, and it is a total Lunar Eclipse!!


~Galactic Love Reporter Mary Lynn Plaisance~



Yet another eclipse. There have been more this year than I can remember. I MISS Danbro~A very good astrologer from Australia! We loved talking about eclipses. Both of us said we were eclipse magnets...Interesting for me at 18 degrees of Gemini..

This year's second total lunar eclipse on Saturday (Dec. 10) will offer a rare chance to see a strange celestial sight traditionally thought impossible.

Ringside seats for the lunar eclipse can be found in Alaska, Hawaii, northwestern Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and central and eastern Asia. Over the contiguous United States and Canada, the eastern zones will see either only the initial penumbral stages before moonset, or nothing at all.

Over the central regions of the United States, the moon will set as it becomes progressively immersed in the Earth's umbral shadow. The Rocky Mountain states and the prairie provinces will see the moon set in total eclipse, while out west the moon will start to emerge from the shadow as it sets.


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