Our allies continue to make progress in their efforts to bring an end to the activities of the dark Ones. Resistance is pushed aside as we are the ones in ascendancy, and some major coups could well open Pandora's box and reveal those who have been behind the plan for world control. We are certainly closing in on those responsible, and for once money will not buy them a way out of it. So much has been revealed about the goings on that have taken away your rights, and bribery has played a big part in achieving it. Honest politics disappeared a long time ago, but that does not mean that there are not any honest politicians. Unfortunately their voices are often stifled and regularly ignored, but their day is coming very soon and be assured that we know each one by name.
GROWING THREAT OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1363 is growing rapidly, more than doubling in size since Friday. A 48-hour movie from NASA's SOlar Dynamic Observatory shows the expansion:
The active region has a "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Because of AR1363's location near the center of the solar disk, any such eruptions in the days ahead would be Earth-directed. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.
Day of Rest - A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran (as received by Ariel DeAngelis on December 3, 2011) You may had heard of the flood that has come to Mother Earth; a deluge so far and wide that none will be left unaffected by its swath. And yet in its wake will be left Joy and Abundance for All. This flood is not a flood made of waters resultant from the pole shift that so many are still predicting, and which because of the timeline we now inhabit, will not happen.
The Gemini Lunar Eclipse on December 10 could be a wild roller coaster ride. Truth telling Uranus moves direct just hours before this eclipse. However, Gemini’s ruling planet Mercury the messenger and God of communication is still in retrograde motion. This can make life chaotic and confusing. We could be experiencing some very strange feelings. We are being bombarded with high-level energies and from many angles over an extended period. Old programs are being erased. New pathways become available and higher dimensions more accessible, as the matrices supporting creation are upgraded and rebooted.
♠ Are you experiencing opposing forces within yourself? ♠ Are you feeling tension and/or anxiety in your Solar Plexus (stomach area)? ♠ Are you tired requiring more rest than usual?
The End Times and the Golden Age associated with our climb to the Fifth Dimension will see a great number of changes in our experience of our life, our health, and our bodies. These changes will happen gradually as move through the Fourth to the Fifth Dimensions and will continue past Ascension on our endless journey back to God.
~Jennifer Hoffman: Status Update~ Miracles Do Occur~
2011 December 3
Jennifer Hoffman: Status Update
I’m sending you another status update which I will start by saying that this is an eclipse cycle and Mercury retrograde I will remember! I am doing better each day but found out today that my appendix was cancerous (who would have thought) and although the tumor had not spread to other areas, I still have to follow up with an oncologist to ensure that there is no cancer.
I can’t tell you what a shock this is to me, as no one in my family has cancer, I take good care of myself and have never had health problems.
~ The Chains that Bind Us: Letting Go of Our Limitations ~
2011 December 4
The Chains that Bind Us: Letting Go of Our Limitations
~Galactic Love Reporter Caroline Aguiar, 12-3-2011
As we move into a new era of consciousness we’re invited to ask ourselves if we’re willing to let go of the limitations which keep us from fully embracing the truth.
Self-Limitations hold us down and anchor us to the murky waters of illusion. Our self-criticizing beliefs and thought patterns distort our perception of everything around us and hinder our spiritual growth.
Society, the media and especially the entertainment industry have infused distorted views of beauty, wealth, and ways of being that cause people to become fearful of valuing themselves and generate feelings of not being good enough that limit who we can be.
Wanderer of the Skies: Stand Fast in Your Principles and Your Convictions Repost with Steve Beckow's Commentary~
2011 December 4
Steve: I’ve been asked if this channeling relates to Blossom and I have to say I don’t think it does. A sincere wish not to be used as a channel because an event does not occur is within an individual’s accepted prerogative, I believe.
I think it relates more to people on discussion groups who’ve either lost faith in the galactics or choose to mock them. I asked AAM about the matter in a recent interview and he also said that some people on discussion groups wish to hedge their bets and not be on what they see as the “losing” side if dates fail to materialize.
Either way the situation, as far as I can tell, is minor.
The energies of Cosmic Love gather in intensity as you move into a new phase of integrating the newest aspects of yourselves that are re-uniting their essence with your energetic field. As you embody more of your Divine Christ Self, your physical body is adapting and going through a metamorphosis in order to accommodate this greater energy and frequency level. All is in a state of motion, even when you are feeling as though you are stuck in a static position. In reality, the new reality, there is much preparation and movement occurring.
These greater influxes of higher frequency energy continue to bring out all that is not of matching frequency from within each person. All recycling energy and patterns of expression that have still not been transmuted into a higher order of manifestation will come forth yet again for release. Allow this by willing to let it go now as it comes forth and bless the situation, person or event that was a part of it. This will help you to release and let it go and be filled in return with the higher frequency energies of Divine Love. As you open your heart to this possibility, much healing within will take place.
We come to guide and support at this time of mass cleansing and clearing across the planet and we guide that all is now unfolding across the planet earth. For many of YOU the last few weeks have been a strain with a lot of emotion coming to the surface in order to be released. We have guided previously about the need to allow emotions to come to the surface, to be acknowledged and then released. It is vital that the illusion teachings are now recognised for that which they are and are removed from the levels of SELF.
We are here to guide and support in this process and we guide that levels of SELF are navigated regularly by those who are now awakening to deeper and deeper levels of TRUTH. Many of YOU are now aware of the new energies but illusion taught that these new energies would give you freedom without showing the route to freedom. For freedom is not something that is given it is something that is FELT, freedom is a state of BEing and many are not able to find this freedom as they do not venture into the heart centre.
We are the High Council of Orion and we walk among you. Many are now able to connect to our energies and the new unfolding of energies are now making the communication with other realms very easy indeed. We guide for you to continue to communicate with the realms that step forward to help you. For they will step forward and wait for YOUr reaction, YOU have free will dear ones and we are not here to lead nor to tell, for that is not our role nor our purpose.
Your human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a human focused in and on this third dimension, it feels real, looks real, yet it is only one perceptive of the multi-dimensional aspect of the starhuman.
Each dimension is always available, resonating at a different frequency. When starhumans become conscious, other realities and dimensions appear.