I’m just watching Gerald Celente’s conversation with Alex Jones. Gerald is often regarded as one of the world’s top trend analysts and yet he has been victimized by the fall of MF Global to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
He was about to take possession of his physical gold in December and, before he could, his brokerage firm, owned by MF Global, told him that all the money in his account had been transferred to the bankruptcy trustee and, as a matter of fact, if he wanted to maintain his gold position, he would have to pay more money to cover his positions. (Where would that money go?)
As far as Gerald is concerned, the bank robbers, having emptied his account, are now demanding his car to make their getaway. He is livid. His entire strategy for seeing himself through hard times just evaporated overnight.
Private Message SaLuSa to Me ~ 19 Nov 2011 ~ Love Tsunami
~Galactic Love Reporter Laura ~⋅
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Remember, ....Everything that is a belief system is a lie, there are no rules or regulations in the Kingdom of Heaven. Nor is their right or wrong. Everything are atoms..everything. Whatever Brings you Joy and serves is Right Action~Love Mother and Father God
Laura: Good day SaLuSa. This is a question from a French reader: “I work in the Police and I feel anger and hatred to situations of injustice crime and violence.
While I am aware that this is short I can not really share the love with these individuals! Thus I found myself in a more or less tormented preventing me from concentrating solely on to ascend.
We’re told that very little happens by chance, especially these days. If that’s the case, why would the Divine Hand want the Occupy protesters in various cities evicted?
To spare them a long winter in tents? To have them become active rather than stationary so that their protest moves from place to place? So that greater numbers can assemble in town squares as in Tahrir Square and other Arab Spring venues? (1)
Is it meant that the Occupy Movement now enter another phase and move throughout the city, circulate, get out and meet people (and offer free hugs, like in the video?)? Is it meant that the emphasis shift from Occupy Together to Join Together?
Dear Ones, We feel your excitement as most are starting to feel the energy of change within their reality, you are starting to experience more and more of your multidimensional selves, thus this new experience is giving you more insights of how you interpret reality as you experience. The old is rapidly fading this is true, and we say to truly start to experience what is possible for you to with these new energies learn to let go of the need to judge or criticize yourself and learn to be easy on yourselves.
By Papa Source thru Johan Nov 18, 2011 ~ 7:19:06 AM
November 15, 2011
Papa Source:
It is with great delight I AM joining My Beloved Son Michael of Nebadon in his Greatest Endeavour so far.
Not so long ago, I came through this scribe to talk to you on His behalf and encourage you to stay the course and not be afraid for what you are about to encounter. Yet here I AM again with more Glorious news, if only you could see through my eyes...
Many meetings have proceeded this Glorious Moment.
~Saying yes means surrendering to existence. That simple word "YES" contains the whole of religion. If one can say "Yes!" to existence with a Total Heart, then all is done. Yes means: Thy will be done. In that very surrender, Love starts pouring in, Love starts Overflowing you. That's what everybody is seeking and searching for, but everybody is preventing it from happening. That's the greatest dilemma that every human being has to pass through: we desire something but we destroy the bridge that can take us to it.~ Osho
Hello, Ann. This is the Council of Twelve. We are here to say hello. We are here to say that we are aware of the struggle you are having with integrating the energetic changes you have undergone with your physical vehicle. We see that the energy is creating some difficulties with headaches, digestion and sleeping. This is common to many lightworkers, particularly those who are sensitive in general.
________________________________________________________________________________________ We are the Dolphins. We wish to help heal humanity. We wish to bring love and healing to Planet Earth.
What is love? Love is an energy. It is an energy so immense, so beautiful that it can heal in ways beyond your comprehension. Love heals all. Love is the Energy of the Universe. Love cannot be described in words. Love is all that exists in this world and the next.
We, the Dolphins have so much love for humanity. We bathe each one of you in our love. We wish to bring you our love through these words this day.
We see much of humanity suffer. We see so much of humanity in pain. We see so much of humanity lost and confused. What is this thing called life? Many of you do not understand the concepts of life from a spiritual perspective. Let us into your hearts now, we can help you to transform the pain, transform the suffering, the confusion and the fear into love.
~Hard at Work in the Dream State on Selective Historical Memory~
Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow
Laura ’s source Settufeut said that, following 11/11/11, we would be doing much more work in our dreams.
“Many of you feel drained and tired. This is due to the fact that you had an active sleep, and were not actually asleep. You are doing much work while in your dream state.
“The result of your work during your dreams will soon manifest into your reality. Have the most beautiful and limitless dreams. From now on, much more will be possible.” (1)
I awoke from a dream last night that was quite intense and definitely work. I think I was being shown aspects of the new paradigm in knowing.