When your focus is on the future can you feel the uplifting energy around you, if not make time for yourself to relax in quiet surroundings and you surely will. There is no need to carry the burden of the world upon your shoulders, just allow it to find its own path to completion, because that is a feature of the times you are in. You should be sufficiently confident about your destiny to believe that you are on the verge of great changes, that will put you on another path leaving the old paradigm behind. Ascension is your future should you desire to take it, and much effort goes into ensuring that all souls are in contact with the truth. Whether it becomes part of your beliefs by replacing false teachings is everyone's personal choice.
”Our communities need us. We are all leaders. How could we ask for anything less than the future?” A powerful video of the Occupy Poem by acclaimed spoken word artist Drew Dellinger , shot and edited by Occupy Love’s Velcrow Ripper, set to the music of Saracen by Jef Stott . Filmed during the epic Occupy Oakland general strike. Thanks Drew and Jef - it was a wonderful collaboration!
LEONID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is passing through the debris field of Comet Tempel-Tuttle, parent of the annual Leonid meteor shower. Barring a direct hit by a filament of dust, which forecasters consider unlikely, this year's shower should be mild. Peak rates of 10 to 20 meteors per hour are expected on Nov. 17th and 18th. [live counts] [meteor radar]
GREAT FILAMENT: It's one of the biggest things in the entire solar system. A dark filament of magnetism measuring more than 800,000 km from end to end is sprawled diagonally across the face of the sun. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took an ultraviolet picture of the structure during the late hours of Nov. 17th:
Q: Hi, Carla, What are gatekeepers? I just listened to a reading with AA Michael and there was mention of gatekeepers. What do they do? AAM said that some people went to the 5th dimension on 11~11 and now they are acting as gatekeepers.
A: Great question and very timely!
Firstly I want to explain what gatekeepers are NOT. I do this because there is an engrained metaphoric image of a saint at the gates of heaven deciding if you will be allowed to enter the “promised land”. This is a manipulation by the organized religions of earth and not at all true.
Metaphorically speaking, gatekeepers are not keeping the gate closed and deciding your fate. They are holding the gate open and inviting you through.
A Channeling from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, November 17, 2011
Greetings, I am Mira. I speak to you from the Pleiadian High Council.
We love you and we guide you through these trying times.
From our perspective you are doing well. It may not appear this way to you but we have seen other planets in your position that have not been as Light filled or on purpose as you are on the Earth. We attribute this to our ground crew. You are the experts at this work and soon you will know more about what I am saying. You will begin to see that you will know what to do during most any condition or circumstance. It will come naturally to you in the midst of change.
We see that you are adapting to the rising frequencies. We are pleased that you are releasing more of the old than you have in the past. We observe the energies of fear also being cleared from around the Earth. This is a positive sign of awakening and it is attributable to the work of the Lightworkers.
3:47 p.m. ET- ABC News’ Richard Esposito: A retired Philadelphia Police Capt. Raymond Lewis, was arrested wearing his full dress uniform at the protest. Lewis, who retired in 2004, was mostly correct in his appearance, although some of his medals were not correctly positioned, and the “frontispiece” as the badge on his hat is called, would not be the one issued by the department there, as it is collected upon retirement. A very low key officer when he served, Lewis looked fit, dignified with a properly trim mustache when he was cuffed.
At the Police Administration Building in Philadelphia jokes and rumors quickly circulated that Lewis “had investments.”~ FROM ABC NEWS~
Alright. During this week, we’re going to have Mercury going retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. We’ll do a call on that on 11-22-11 called “Sacred Mercury”.
It’s the planet closest to the Sun and therefore there are a number of ways in which you can work with the energy but mostly I’d say, communications may need to be double checked or even triple checked during that time period. In the meantime, the vibrations are such that everything is sort of shaking down. I guess that’s the best way I could put it. In other words, it seems like again things are crumbling or failing or just shaky in some way, unstable.
Today I woke up having my mind bombarding me with thoughts….about people, situations and of course calculating mundane stuff….but last night during my meditation I realized my heart and my mind talk totally different from each other…LOL…well, at least now I am able to realize the difference
I was thinking what if I was famous…or known…my life would be very different…probably I would have lived in a better neighborhood (though I love my neighborhood)….I would have cars, houses, very fake friends and bunch of fans to keep me up, make me believe that I am very special ….:-) sound cool ha! lol
~Message from the Lady of the Sun~
Much has changed on your planet since the 11-11-11 activations were completed around the world. And it is not that the date caused anything to happen, but the date was chosen to set the intention to move towards a world that was more aligned with peace and joy & light.
And I am pleased to share with you that the job was done, and done well, for a wave of light was created by the many, many people who focused on light that day. And this wave has gone around the world and is shifting the energy of living beings and the planet itself. Everything is becoming lighter.
Greetings Dear children of the Sun, You have all been doing so well in the progress that is being made by you individually and collectively. Know that all worlds envy the beauty of your experiences now, for such free will is only available on planet Earth. Although we are of the higher dimensions in nature we also with excitement can't wait when you get to teach us all you've learn.
As you know there is much that is transpiring on your world, Illusion is doing all it can to pull it last strings to keep those who are not yet awake in a state fear. Their agenda is to show through the manipulated media that all hope is lost for humanity and things are going to continue as they has been. With what has happen to the Occupy Wall Street peaceful protest they've are seizing the opportunity to spread propaganda of the entire movement. Dear hearts we say not to worry yourself for its all part of the process.
Perseverance~ Tenacity, The Holding to a course in action or purpose, continued Strength and Patience. Example~ It Takes Perseverance to get out of the Program ego mind, and You can DO IT!
Persevere~ To Persist in, Remain Constant in Purpose in the Face of all Obstacles. Example- We, Of the Galactic Federation of Light, "The Kingdom~Company of Heaven", Creation, and Love will Persevere On Planet Earth=Heart, Guaranteed.
We are here embracing and empowering you as you hold and anchor the new reality. You are pioneers as it were, moving across the landscape of vibrations and frequencies. You are beginning to own that you are truly transformers, bringers of light, energy alchemists.
As you personally as well as collectively stand strong in this knowing and in your service, holding the vision of a reality and a planet of conscious awake and aware humans, it is coming into form. More and more individuals are realizing that they personally make a difference, by the power of their focused intentions, by their dedicated actions which support all life. There have been waves and waves of energy vibrations bathing your planet. This energy, these vibrations and frequencies have been triggering the incredible shift in consciousness you are experiencing; you are witnessing the changes within yourself as well as the results within the collective.
I’ve been asked to comment on the various censorship bills before Congress. Censorship of the Internet is something that none of us would want, to be sure. And vigilance against censorship is very desirable. But at the same time, I’d also like to suggest that we can go about being vigilant without fear.
I think it’s desirable that we act “as if” measures like censorship bills are a threat while knowing that they are not. To do so builds courage and may have the cabal surrender sooner. But we don’t need to take any action out of fear and I don’t think we need worry about the long-term outcome.
Special Event: Brenda will be the featured guest on Michael Quinsey’s (Michael channels SaLuSa) “Connecting the Light” Friday, December 2nd www.BBSradio.com show at 5 pm Eastern Standard Time and 2 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Summary of Brenda’s November 14, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: Not all of you are shifting at the same pace. Some of you are shifting in your sleep, others in your wake state. Don’t be surprised if rage or other unusual emotions appear – you remain human despite the transition.