~As your issues break into your awareness, be glad!~
Humanity’s awakening is a done deal; it is going to happen as divinely intended; there are no other options. The divine energy field enveloping Planet Earth was enormously strengthened and intensified on 11-11-11 to give you all the power and assistance that you need to enter into and complete your process of awakening. This process is very demanding, which is why you are receiving so much help from so many loving spiritual beings, and their love for you is way beyond your comprehension while you continue to hold on to and support the illusion with the energy of your fears and doubts. Your fears and doubts are important issues that you need to address and release by opening your hearts to God’s Love Field in which you have your eternal existence.
Sometimes the veils between this world and the world of Spirit are quite thin. This usually happens during Balsamic phases of the Moon, but it is happening today. Angels are close to the ground today. This means that guidance and protection are right next to us.
If, throughout the events of your day, you feel the need for assistance or direction, go to a point of stillness inside and ask for what you need. Turn over your worries. Just because the Sun is no longer directing the course of the evolution of consciousness does not mean we are alone. It may feel like that now that the Mayan calendar has ended, but it is only a change of reference. There are eight active sunspots on the Sun right now and an immense string of plasma erupted yesterday, headed for Venus.
I am requoting this saying which I read somewhere along my remembering journey but it continues to resonate so deep within my heart as Truth.
~All the Universe is watching as the little Gods lift their Little Veils...~
The hardest part for me as a Fallen Light Being at this moment, is the I am cleaning out the deepest of the deepest well within my heart. Not just the experiences of this present reincarnation, but infinite number of past life experiences. Experiences that I have been carrying in within my heart for a long, long time...
There can be no darkness within our hearts, if we want the term "Heaven on Earth" to become our reality. We all know this because we remember. Every Light Being in their own way is remembering,some more than others,but that is why it is ALL perfect. Why would I want to duplicate someone else's contribution to ALL?
We live in what I call "The Matrix Grid". A dense world where creation is pretty slow, a world of separation that WE, Humanity, has created to live in. Everything comes from Love, WE have allowed it to become what it is, an environment of survival with very little regard to the rest of Love, the All That Is.
~FIRST CONTACT~ EVENTS AFTER THE LANDINGS~ with commentary from the Galactic Free Press~
We are The Ground Crew for First Contact, and Present With You is US, Mother and Father God, Your Parents of Creation and Beyond. We are also Your Earth Allies and Representatives, Your Greeters into The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth. WE are also the Male and Female who Will Be Welcoming the Ships and Presenting them To You. WE Love You Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God and the Entire Galactic Free Press Staff~
FYI~The ships are Placed Securely all over the Grid, and they are awaiting the Final Ring so to Speak~
~How Do We Bring Quantum Activism into Our Daily Life? Part 2~2~
2011 May 12
~Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Pat Donworth~
In Part 1 (http://stevebeckow.com/2011/05/how-do-we-bring-quantum-activism-into-our-daily-life-part-12/), we noted that author and quantum physicist Amit Goswami identifies the importance of accessing our unique creative impulse, and that when we can create from this dynamic realm of all possibilities, we will find ourselves on the front edge of transforming both ourselves and our society. Changing civilization for the better means aligning our intention with ‘nonlocal consciousness’ (the quantum field) and, at the same time, intending the highest good for all.
The heart is the thinking organ of your human form, it is truly in command. The energetic field of the heart matrix is far stronger and more expanded than that the energetic matrix of the brain. Your mentors and avatars have been teaching this for lifetimes. Human beings long ago learned to close or protect their heart circuit. This is the main dysfunction on your planet and the main source of dis-ease.
This is the Council of Twelve. We are here to say hello and to charge your battery with an infusion of light and love from the inner planes, where all is in order, where all is love in action.
We are anticipating the events of 2012, which will be unprecedented in human history. We will pause momentarily so that can sink in: unprecedented in human history. Can you grasp the nature of the time in which you live? Can you feel the importance of your life span? Can you begin to grasp the role you play? Can you take yourself seriously as a mover of worlds? We pose these questions to all who read them.
Yes, you are divine in nature. You have read this from many sources over time. Can you internalize the truth of this statement? Any form of mastery that you exhibit in your daily life is your first clue. Are you good at your job? Do you relate well to people? Are you kind and compassionate? This is your divine nature in action.
Dear Hearts, we are at a time in your evolution where you have to see and create not just from the physical understanding of how you perceive, yet perception is the contradiction of your creation. Who do you love? how do you love? Why do you love? Where do you love? When do you love? Does your love have limits of illusions of separation from your manifested creation or are you creating in harmony with all of Humanities collective consciousness?
How Do We Bring Quantum Activism into Our Daily Life? Part 1~2 ~
2011 May 11
Posted by Pat Donworth
In his book, How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization, Amit Goswami, Ph.D. discusses how to bring a quantum consciousness (others might call it unity awareness) into the world. One of the chapters is “Can a Few People Make a Difference?” and his answer is a resounding “Yes.” His key is “creativity” in the midst of a materialist society that wants to strip everyone of their creativity, save that which perpetuates the status quo.
Perhaps the most critical piece is that we do what we love, that we do that which flows from the unique creativity in each of us: some of us like to build things or create art; others like to teach the young; others like to set up structures that provide sound foundations; others like to grow gardens and nurture animals. Our creative impulse is as unique as each of us is unique.