"The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection ...who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no fragment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing Beings of such Love, Wisdom and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural.
~Being Present in the Moment Of Now is Simple, Love Handles the Details. Gratitude is Good, Be Grateful For Everything. All Moments of Eternity are Blessed and Always Grander than the Moment before. Moments of Eternity are Stringed Together, Creating an Ever Expanding Symphony that has with it Unlimited Grandness within Each Note. The Present Moment of Now, Is Always Now, and is All that is In Existence~
So does time really exist? No it does not, and there is no time in The Eternity of Heaven, because there is no separation of Energy. The New Earth all That Will Exist, is All of Us Together Uniquely Being As One in Balanced Harmonics. This is Creation and its only Function is Equal Love, Always Reflecting the Equality of Love back into the Highest Possible Experience or Expression For All Beings To Benefit Equally. This is the Moment to Moment of Now which is Eternity.
I remember back in the beginning of this journey when I realized I could ask any question and get an answer... I asked over and over again to God directly (remember, I was catholic, so god was still an outside entity) "how did the universe get created." 4 years later, in a spontaneous meditation, I was shown. I was in Rupert Idaho and the year 2004.
The timing of this "answer" four years later is as interesting as to the where. Not so much Idaho, but I was in my Jacuzzi bathtub that was part of the bathroom in the house I was renting. This is import because when I started to spend so much time in the bath (literally up to 10 hours a day) I would tell my team I really ought to have a Jacuzzi tub to enhance my journies. I was quite serious about the jacuzzi and never in a million years expected to have one as my bath!
Stories of the marvellous and mischievous doings of St. Germain are among the most addictive of readings. And few stories are more wonderful than his alleged speech before the nascent Colonial or Continental Congress meetings where he exhorted the assembled representatives to sign the Declaration of Independence.
I have to admit that, when I first read Isabel Cooper-Oakley’s The Comte de St. Germain (available free here: http://tinyurl.com/3rzvr5x), I didn’t stop reading his published works until I had read every (credible) thing I could lay my hands on.
So here, for you reading enjoyment, is Robert Allen Campbell’s account of the Professor’s intervention at the Continental Congress from his small book, Our Flag. Do I know if it’s true? Do I really care? No.
~Riding the final one of the “7th Day of the Universal ~ Galactic and Cosmic Underworld~
Written and shared freely with YOU from the HEART. By Carol Watson, Eden…burgh, Scotland, UK. 22 October 2011.
Dearest ascending souls of Planet Earth, we are the Ascended Masters. We are but a small collective of the Infinite ascended souls present in the higher dimensions. We have spoken through the term ‘Masters’ because we, having ascended have overcome the low vibrations of duality and ‘mastered’ our own inner darkness as we grew and learned more and more.
~What will the end of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011 mean?~
For some time there has been a discussion as to what is the true end date of the Mayan calendar, October 28, 2011 or December 21, 2012, and somewhat paradoxically this has raged without a definition of what the “end” would mean. As October 28, 2011 is now coming close the definition of this “end” is something that may be important to clarify. The contemporary Maya no longer follow the long cycles of the ancient calendar system and so do not want to take a stand in the matter. The ancient Maya on the other hand has left a message in the Tortuguero monument 6 as to what they expected the end of the calendar to mean. What it says there is essentially that the nine-step, or nine-support, entity of period endings, Bolon Yokte Kuh, will appear in his full regalia. To me at least it is quite clear that this means that the nine levels of consciousness, corresponding to the nine waves of evolution, will then manifest. (Those that want a detailed discussion of this are referred either to my article on the Tortuguero monument on www.calleman.com or Mark van Stone’s book 2012 Prophecy and Science of the Ancient Maya).
I received the following message from my source, Alpha Ship 102.
First contact is a multidimensional event operating beyond levels of human comprehension. The Ashtar Command acts as 'guardian body' of this operation to ensure and uphold the Principle of Free Will for all individual Souls involved in the Harvest.
Initially there will be direct contact with certain groups and individuals by their Star Families. These Terran Eagles will act as wayshowers, teachers and mentors to their earthly Brothers and Sisters enabling open Federation interaction with society without causing 'shock and awe', or in any way provoking a negative reaction.
It’s not fair that 99 percent of the dogs have 1 percent of the bones! Or wait, the other way around! Woof! But a number of the protesters have brought along some furry support. The four-legged kind are in on this, too. Here are dogs that have taken to the streets to protest against corporate greed. Dogs are part of the 99% too!
Kees de Graaf has put together a nice montage that mixes in commentary on the closure of the underground bases and defeat of the attempts to wire and blow up bridges, together with photos of the huge crowds of demonstrators at Occupy Together protests around the world. Thanks to Fay.
Two major happenings are going on at the moment. While the #Occupy movement is emerging all over the planet, the Galactic Federation is shutting down underground bases of the Dark Cabal. In other words: the people on Earth are rising up, and our galactic friends are coming down. It’s just a matter of time before they come together!
*Occupy the Future: A New Generation Reaches for the Emergency Brake* by Dave Oswald Mitchell
When students take to the streets of Paris or London today, it is no longer to bring about a better world, but to defend what they can of the world their parents took for granted. — Dougald Hine, ‘Remember the Future?’,Dark Mountain II
If someone has compiled an Occupy Wall Street reading list, investigative journalist Matt Taibbi’s book Griftopia is surely on it. Taibbi argues: “The financial leaders of America and their political servants have seemingly reached the cynical conclusion that our society is not worth saving and have taken on a new mission that involves not creating wealth for all, but simply absconding with whatever wealth remains in our hollowed-out economy.”