There is much to have discourse on in this amazing time upon your dear Planet Earth, for all about you changes are being wrought seemingly overnight and without too much fanfare. What used to take months and years to accomplish and bring into manifestation now comes forth in the twinkling of an eye. Truly it is a magical and powerful time to be walking on this Earth. People the World over are learning that the power of their intention and following through on their intention with determination and resolve can open many doors that they thought locked forever. Nothing is forever, Dear Ones, and this has been and will continue to be proven over and over again as time marches on.
~On the Mayan Calendar, Making Distinctions, and Being Right~
Posted by Love Reporter Steve Beckow~
We’re heading into another date rich in predictions (October 28, 2011 or the end of the Mayan Calendar) and, as far as I can see, it’ll probably bring a fresh set of considerations, disputes, etc. So perhaps we can discuss a few matters before that time arrives.
One is the necessity to make robust distinctions that serve us in seeing what may be transpiring and another is the trap of wanting to be right.
We can see it NOW...A Planet of One...a Land Vast beautiful and free, building inside of US in perfect harmony...We can taste the sweetness NOW of the apple as we pluck it off the tree, we accept abundance as a natural way to be...We run through fields of flowers and things without care or worry, manifesting grandness and greatness, we are NOW in our moments of Glory....
Life becomes REAL, one heart beating in Rythym, balance, peace, harmony, ..this is Our NEW STORY..Our Hearts Now can see life as a treasure..Never again is any one thing measured...
We are all holding up our candles and Vision of Heaven Now upon US, with her beauty and wisdom..
~Dear White House: Please Tell Us the Truth About E.T.~
When the White House promised to answer citizen petitions on the most pressing problems of the day, it may not have had extraterrestrial life in mind. Laura Meckler has details on The News Hub.
WASHINGTON—When the White House promised to answer citizen petitions on the most pressing problems of the day, it may not have had extraterrestrial life in mind.
More than 10,000 petitions have poured in since the new initiative was announced last month in a bid to bring government closer to the people. And issues like massive federal deficits, two wars and high unemployment don't appear to be on the people's minds.
One petition wants to legalize raw milk sales. Others seek to mandate the spaying and neutering of pets, abolish the Transportation Security Administration and "formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race."
~Love always give Love back to itself....This is Creation.~
The Lights have been turned ON the once darkened stage now, is all Lite up and all the Masters revealed, on Planet Earth=heart. The last "dramas" are being played out that were required within the "Divine Plan" to expose the Truth with Grace and Forgiveness.
Mother Earth is A true Living Breathing Conscious, Entity and in True Reality, is the Real Heaven on Earth and has been called by the Creators of Creation, that she Return to the Love that Created Her, back to the ONE, and she is taking everyone and everything else with her as well. Which is all of Humanity's True Home, Within the Light.
Greetings, I am RC, human incarnate on planet earth, and I would like to share my light and love to All That Exists in the Infinite Now. I want to share my humility and graciousness, to All of You, and in particularly, those Light Beings that a specific part in all that is occurring on planet earth, our sun, and our solar system at this moment for your compassionate love has and will continue to be felt here on earth.
So many are still hanging on for dear life to what was and what should have been what could have been. Let’s face it dear ones, the tide lines have shifted and you can no longer sunbathe upon the shores of the past. You are the wizards and handmaidens of the light. You alone hold the magic of ever changing possibility. The outcome of all action is innumerable and cannot be counted upon. In these times of change many have lost sight of the shore and thrash about drowning in a tidal pool. When the winds of change blow, you can ride them soaring to new heights in delight, or allow them to keep your tired and exhausted always fighting the force. You now come to a place of struggle or release. The struggle tightens the grip, the release relaxes what binds us, and we are freed from the snare that entraps us. We have been flying against strong winds for far too long; we have forgotten that we can change direction in flight, and let the aft winds support us. That which has been against us now supports us.
For as long as I can remember I consider my life as a normal one, with the same wishes as every other child; but only one thing made a difference in me from my friends and siblings. I would spend most of my days admiring nature, loving nature; the moon and the sky, the trees and the sun filtering its rays through them, and every little creature and bird that would cross my sight.
~BARACK OBAMA ~ Personal, Non~Confidential and Completely Galactic~[reposting this Brilliance]
~WITH A COMMENTARY FROM THE GALACTIC FREE PRESS ~ We understand that t what you see obama doing in the illusion~ Let that Go, and Trust in the Higher Energies~
~Love is Coming Alive, Unfolding In The Voices of The Ones Standing Up for what is Right and What is True. Predrag Courageously channeled in President Obama's Higher Self, to Bring This Truth into the Manifest, It must Come into Fruition Because its For The Greatest Good and Highest Good for the ALL, Only that which is for the Greater Good and Serves Love for the Highest Possible thought Can Be Made Manifest In Reality, A Real Love Story then unfolds and its the Greatest Love Story of them ALL. Love is HERE ON PLANET EARTH=HEART, We Love YOU, Please Stand Up with Us along Side Predrag, and ALL of Our Love Reporters and Share The Messages Of Love and Truth~ Love Mother and FatherGod and the Entire Galactic Free Press~
The Handover ~ Light takes over the reins from the Dark.~
At this moment, all is poised once again for rapid change ~change that will take humanity into a new era. From outside this change may well appear chaotic, but behind this chaos is the ‘hand over’ from the dark to the light, and all that is implied by this realigning of polarities.
If you can expand your compassionate love large enough to envelop your adversaries, you will see right through their pettimindedness, and avoid their attacks. And once you envelop them, you will be able to guide them along a path indicated to you whispered by the heaven that is within your self.
Any actions based in fear, produce the experience of fear. Actions based in Love, produce the experience of Love.
Life contains moments of joy, anger, pain, frustration and pleasure, darkness and light, growth and decay. In each moment we can open our eyes to see the natural wonders of this world.
Do not try to deny or oppose what your soul whispers to you.
~ * ~ From this time forward the Wayshowers have come into their power and so they face the Dark Masters of theBlack Alliance. The Black Alliance sits upon the threshold of the dawn and are not willing to leave the power and walk away into the night. They have become emotional predators, disconnected. They live off of conflict, death, disease and despair.
Please know that you are not alone. Mother God's care is wrapping around you, in unconditional love, through Christ. Please know that Mother God is holding you, weeping with you, and Loves you through the Almighty God of Creation and holds you in the Highest Treasures of Unconditional Love.