Throat Chakra Activation By Anthena Arcturus

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Natalie Glasson – Throat Chakra Activation By Anthena Arcturus – 10 September 2012

Beloved Earth beings, souls and aspects of the Creator, I come forward to you now holding and sharing the light and wisdom of the Acturians. From the star of Arcturus I extend my energies to your being guided by the wise Acturian Masters to support you at this sacred time in awakening your throat chakras. My energy and love are with you always and I act as a bridge connecting your energies with the bright light of Arcturus for further spiritual awakening and awareness.

I wish to make you aware that it is at this time that you can ask for your throat chakra to be activated by the Acturians overseen by myself and Archangel Michael. Your throat chakra is an important energy point of expression within your being, closely linked to your heart and soul it acts as a prominent expression of the Creator aspect held within your being. Your throat chakra vibrates naturally at the vibration of truth akin to a well of self-expression and divine sacred wisdom. We often only think of the heart chakra or soul as holding tremendous wisdom but the throat chakra is divinely connected to the source of truth that is the Creator as are all your chakras. The throat chakra has always observed your soul and heart expression as well as expressed the wisdom of the Mind, there is so much wisdom held within the throat chakra which is akin to memories or energy patterns of vibrations that have passed through the throat chakra.

More so the throat chakra is one of the greatest tools you hold to express the light and wisdom of the Creator at a physical level. When you move beyond the dimensions of the Earth the throat chakra plays less of a role within your reality although it continues to act as an expression of energy but also acts as an amplifier of the heart and truth that radiates from within. It is important to acknowledge the presence of your physical body as well as the presence of your chakras, for they will change as you evolve and shift through dimensions adjusting to what is needed for your further expression of yourself.

I am Melchizedek - This is my gift that I offer each of you. I hope you will accept it.

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I am Melchizedek "This is my gift that I offer each of you. I hope you will accept it."


By mayo31311 - Posted on 10 September 2012


Beloved of Love's Eternal Freedom and Flame to Life on Earth, I am Melchizedek, and I greet each of 
you and seek to enfold you this evening in that which I offer you. I seek to enfold each of you in my 
All Christ Flame of Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity that just compels such Cosmic Peace within 
yourself and everywhere that you abide, that nothing of human duality, discord or destruction can 
ever make contact with you again. I seek to enfold each of you in my All Christ Flame of Eternal 
Power of Cosmic Purity that compels such Peace in your life, that that Peace is finally peace that 
you  personally  experience  in  your  lives,  and  is  that  peace  that  is  found  in  some  of  the  ancient 
scriptures, that is that peace that transcendeth everything that is of the mind.  

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead: 09.10.2012

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The week spreads out before us as a treasure path to Spirit’s nakedness. The inner levels of our Eternal Beings are saturated in an unprecedented helping of Divinity (love, light, compassion, etc). I have concluded that it is going to be a week that supports and perhaps even instructs the entire force field of each person to a new level of receptivity. If you can shake off the influences of that which distracts you from your spiritual center for the next few days and focus on embodying every particle of expanded Light that is our good fortune to be receiving then you’ll end up the savvy entrepreneur of the latest revolutionary Sacred Fire.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Innocence See your world as if for the first time.

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Monday, September 10, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Innocence

See your world as if for the first time.


See the world through the eyes of a child. See the beauty and the love that is all around you. Play, laugh and have fun, just as if it is your very first experience on the earth plane. Imagine what it would be like if you had just arrived from somewhere else with all of your thoughts formed and your words filled with love and you have just come upon a scene where the forest meets the ocean and imagine how breathtaking that moment would be.

Oracle Report - Monday, September 10, 2012

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer

Today we will see that certain situations that seem to be on a strong foundation are actually teetering on the edge.  Along with this, there is an extreme level of competitiveness present.  Adhering to formality (formal rules of behavior and engagement) will give the advantage.  Today is the last full day that the Black Moon is in Taurus.  This means that issues related to how secure/safe people feel is an underlying theme.  This weekend I mentioned that things were going to begin to re-form with the Third Quarter Moon phase.  As the Moon phase progresses, we will see glimpses of this.  Tomorrow's energy is intense and a lot is happening so make sure you check back then.

Visionkeeper - Keep Climbing

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Keep Climbing…

Posted on September 10, 2012

I know everybody is getting tired now and it has seemed for quite some time now that something by the dark ones was going to happen, yet nothing has materialized. Thank God! It is the old waiting for the other shoe to drop scenario, only it doesn’t come and the unnerving wait continues.  We can’t seem to release our expectations for bad to happen at the hands of the dark ones. I would imagine there is the equal possibility that they are unable now to continue on with their mayhem. We give them such power in our minds, invincible power, nothing can stop them we believe. It is time we change our thought patterns and start looking on the bright side instead of into the darkness. Perhaps so much change has come about that for some reason we can’t see or contemplate, that the old days of destruction are a thing of the past. We really don’t know but I think it is time we start to think more on the bright side and stop waiting for the shoe to drop. Let us stop giving them the power they don’t deserve!

SophiaLove - The Secrets we keep

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Secrets we keep



This transformation is about love, love of self. As we morph through our days, there exists a sameness in our focus. We are pointed towards Agape.
Ascension while physical asks our bodies to prepare to hold extremely high frequencies.  There are none higher than the vibration of self-love.  Agape becomes our primary preparation. 
If I were to write a diary of my Ascension, it would be all over the map, with a variety of physical symptoms, spiritual revelations, mental break-through’s and emotional conditions. Beneath each of them would be a relentless push to forgive.
Forgiveness is the fuel that keeps me moving towards Agape.  When all is said and done, I am the One who will be stepping into another vibration.  I cannot do that holding bags of self loathing. 

Will the U.S. Face Blackouts as Electricity Generation Suffers in Drought?

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Huff Post - John C.K. Daly, 9/7/12

Well, it's official -- the U.S. government has acknowledged that the U.S. is in the worst drought in over 50 years, since December 1956, when about 58 percent of the contiguous U.S. was in moderate to extreme drought.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center's "State of the Climate Drought July 2012" report,

Tropical Storm Leslie brushes past Bermuda

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Business Week - Elizabeth Roberts, 9/9/12

HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP) — Tropical Storm Leslie's outer bands buffeted Bermuda with gusty winds and rain, swirling to the east of the British enclave Sunday and then heading on a path expected to take it to Canada's Newfoundland later in the week.

The government reopened the L.F. Wade International Airport in the early evening after keeping it closed for most of the day due to tropical storm winds. Major airlines already had canceled flights to the British Atlantic territory of about 65,000 inhabitants.


‘Risked Funds Now Flooding Into Gold’ – Sterling Stamos Moment Opens Hell’s Floodgates

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Sunday, September 9, 2012 22:34 


Davos Sherman Okst

A currency’s price in gold is the canary in the coal mine. Institutional money is having a Sterling Stamos Moment. They’ve spotted the biggest Ponzi scheme in global economic history and as a result have reached into that rat hole.  Redemption time.  Those risked funds are now flooding into gold. The currency fall, as all past currency falls that litter history, will be parabolic events when priced in the worlds only long lasting currency-gold.  

Sterling Stamos Moment #1, September 5, 2012 PIMPCO Pimping Gold

Paging “Smart Money’s” Marc Faber: Finally, two hands in your audience were raised when for the hundredth time you asked large institutions if they new what gold was.  Bill Gross’s hand went up first.  His fund PIMCO, the world’s largest Bond Fund(that is aside from Bernanke’s), is buying gold 

Audit The Fed Discovered Mainstream Media Blackout, Money Laundering Scheme Confirmed 50 Trillion Dollars! Video’s

Phil Rowen's picture


Sunday, September 9, 2012 16:28 



LORD JAMES OF BLACKHEATH Uncovers Money Laundering Scheme By The Federal Reserve Bank In The United states!

IN one of the strangest stories in financial history, one involving the US government lying about hundreds of thousands of tons of imaginary gold, illegal wire transfers and loans totalling $15 trillion (50 Trillion Total).

The Video, From The House Of Lords, Is Amazing In Itself.

UK sets deadline to decide fate of UFO hacker Gary McKinnon

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Computer Weekly - Warwick Ashford, 9/7/12

The Home Office is to decide by 16 October whether to block the extradition to the US of self-confessed hacker Gary McKinnon on the grounds of poor health.

The timetable has been set after the High Court intervened in July to end a stand-off between the government and the hacker’s legal team.



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